The Billionaire and Me - Complete Series: BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance

    Still chuckling lightly Blake nodded and slid his arms around my shoulders.  “ Okay, let ’ s go see some of the other sights.  It ’ s a good thing that we have plenty of time as it can take more than a week to see everything. ”
    “ Really? ”  I asked.
    Blake nodded, “ I have been here more times than I ’ ve got fingers and it feels like I ’ ve still got more to see and learn about.  When I was a kid my parents used to vacation here every summer.  We ’ d always see something new and different.  As a kid I never really appreciated or even enjoyed it.  To me it was something that I was being separated from my friends and dragged along to.  As an adult I can enjoy and appreciate it more.  I do hope my parents know that now. ”
    “ I think they do, ” I replied.  “ They took you there for some great learning opportunities and you did learn, didn ’ t you? ”
    “ Yes, of course! ”
    “ Then something was done right. ”

Chapter Two
    Touring Massachusetts was fun and Blake was right in that you can be there for a week and still not have seen everything!  I was grateful that I had these chances but also wish my family had had the same opportunities when I was growing up.  At the same time I had debated if I would have appreciated them as much back then as I did now?
    I had asked Blake if I could buy a disposable camera to take sightseeing pictures?  It was unusual but some places still did develop film!
    “ Why not use your phone? ”  Blake asked, as he appeared clearly confused by my seemingly strange request.
    “ Where ’ s the fun in that?  Holding a camera, a real camera, in your hands is quite the experience. ”
    “ When I was a kid I once held my mother ’ s vintage camera in my hands and dropped it.  I wasn ’ t allowed to hold a camera again for a long time. ”
    “ I ’ m sure you won ’ t drop this one, ” I told him.  “ Besides, I ’ d feel bad if we used something really expensive and it got lost or stolen. ”
    Blake appeared to be thinking about that.  As much as I had learned how to adapt into his circle we had still been born and raised in two separate worlds.  While Blake could have easily afforded a new expensive camera I could not.
    Finally he said, “ Do you think we can find a place to develop the pictures? ”
    “ There are still some big name drug stores around that will. ”
    Grabbing my hand Blake smiled and nodded, “ Let ’ s go pick out a good disposable camera then! ”
    There weren ’ t any real name brand cameras at the store we had gone to and Blake and I sure did look for one.  I was about to admit defeat when Blake spotted a store brand camera.
    “ It ’ s not much but it might work, ” he said before handing it to me.
    “ It ’ s worth a try, ” I said.  “ You can still take pictures on your phone.  It seems like there ’ s nothing that those phones can ’ t do. ”
    Blake chuckled, “ I ’ m still waiting for one that has a laser beam that can scratch my butt from Mars. ”
    I looked to Blake, surprised at first, but then I started to laugh.  He did have a way to surprise me by saying things that I didn ’ t expect him to say.  It was one of those things that I loved about him.
    “ Why not see about inventing one then? ”  I shot back.
    “ I love it when you come up with come backs like that! ”  Blake laughed.  “ The only bad thing I can think about old cameras is you never know if your photo turned out good or poorly until the film is developed. ”
    “ It ’ s something that has plagued photographers since time began.  However, sometimes it ’ s also a part of the fun mystery. ”
    “ I imagine so. ”
    After paying for the camera I had convinced Blake to stand outside of the building for me to take a photo of him.
    “ My beloved husband can be the first picture on the camera!

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