The Billionaire's Woman Trilogy
    The phone rang for the fifth time that morning, and it wasn’t even 8:15 yet. Sharise sighed and reached for the receiver. “James Waldorf’s office, Sharise speaking. How can I help you?” The torrent of language that followed that question just made the morning even more annoying. Mr. Waldorf had a business meeting, and Sharise knew she had to get his documents in order beforehand. The problem was, those documents took a back seat to making sure his calls were answered, his coffee was made, and even that his desk was arranged just the right way, and if she messed up any one of those, she’d get the sack.
    Sharise needed the job. She’d graduated high school just a few months before and was working full-time to save up money to pay her tuition. Her family didn’t qualify for any grants, and although she was reasonably intelligent, too many of her classmates had outranked her for scholarships. She knew the only way she’d get tuition covered was to pay for it herself.
    She’d caught a lucky break when she landed the job as receptionist for James Waldorf, Denver’s most eligible bachelor and self-made billionaire. Everyone knew who he was — a 25 year old financial genius who’d finished college at just 20 years of age, already a millionaire then. Rumors said he got the degree just so he could gloat, but it seemed his fortune quadrupled in a very short time.
    Her friends had teased her mercilessly when she got the job, suggesting that she could try to seduce him. All that had done was make her embarassed. The difference between Sharise and the rest of her friends was that she wasn’t sexually active — she’d always been the ‘good girl.’ She’d never had sex, or even gone beyond second base, with anyone.
    Still, as a mental exercise, it wasn’t a bad idea.
    Just as she had that thought, Mr. Waldorf walked through the door, his powerful stride carrying him across the floor in a few easy steps. “Good morning, Mr. Waldorf!” Sharise stood to greet him and open the door to his office. He nodded to her, but it was clear from the look in his eyes that he didn’t recall who she was. He stepped inside without a word, sitting down at his desk and quickly logging in to his system.
    “Your board of directors called this morning. They want to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible regarding some recent developments in the company.” Again, he said nothing, but his eyes narrowed dangerously when she mentioned ‘recent developments.’ Sharise gulped; he looked completely dangerous right then, but also strangely sexy.
    Well, it wasn’t that strange. He was tall, around 6’2, and broad shouldered. Sharise couldn’t be sure, but speculation ran rampant that underneath his tailored, $3000 suits, he was rock-hard muscle and power. That was the strange thing about James Waldorf; as well known as he was, the paparazzi had never been able to gain access into his personal life. The man was a mystery, which only served to make him more irresistible in the eyes of most women.
    He was good looking, that was undeniable. With a firm, chiseled jaw, emerald green eyes, and a piercing gaze that could turn even the most irritable business partner into a puddle, James Waldorf looked every bit the part of a 25-year old billionaire.
    He glanced down at the schedule Sharise placed on his desk, and after a moment’s thought, spoke. “Cancel all of my morning appointments, and let the board know there will be a conference call this morning.”
    “And if they can’t make it in such short notice, sir?” Sharise asked.
    “Then find me a new board.” His voice was calm, steady, but held a note of steel that bore no argument.
    “Yes, sir,” Sharise said, backing out of the room. He could be very intense when he wanted. Sharise thought she saw his gaze lingering on her as she walked out, but she shook her head; there was no way he would notice her. For all the joking her

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