Revenge | A Steamy Mafia Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Revenge | A Steamy Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Rose Cody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Cody
    “No matter what you do, just be quiet.” Andrei says as he slowly pulls the black van up beside a hedge as he parks in the back alley behind Brent Donaldson’s house. “If no one’s noticed yet, let’s not give them a reason to notice now.”
    “Of course.” Jennifer whispers, nodding her head quickly up and down as she grips the handle to the passenger side door with her shaking hand before swinging it open.
      She jumps out of the van, gently pressing the door closed as she follows closely behind Andrei as he runs to the back gate.
    “I fucking hate tall gates like this…” He says, reaching up over the gate as he pats around for the latch before he unlocks it, pushing the gate forward and granting them access to the yard.
    “Only benefit of a private back yard?” Andrei says, as they walk up to the open back door, stepping over the glass as shards of it crunch under their feet. “None of your neighbours can tell when I’m robbing you.”
    “Where do we start?” Jennifer asks, looking back towards the back gate quickly as they step into the house. “Where do people keep their best stuff.”
    “Two places.” Andrei whispers. “Bedroom. Basement.”
    “What about this?” She asks, rushing over to a painting and running her fingers over the canvas. “This has got to be worth money.”
    “No, no.” He says, grabbing her hand. “Stolen art is not my business. It’s too easy to track. If we try and sell it, they catch us.”
      She nods, looking around as adrenaline rushes throughout her, making her sweat.
      Jennifer follows him up the stairs, stopping behind him as he gently pushes doors open, first an office then a bathroom before he stops, smiling and nodding his head in front of the last door on the left.
    “Here we go.” He says, grabbing Jennifer’s hand and pulling her inside.
      She tries to hide a smile as she walks into Brent Donaldson’s bedroom before walking over to his bed and sitting down on it, rubbing the palms of her hands over his satin sheets.
    “You start in the bedside tables and I’ll look in the dresser drawers.” He says, walking over to the dresser by the curtained window.
    “Okay.” She nods, getting up from the bed and walking over to the table closest to her before pulling open the drawer.
    “Oh, look at this!” She whispers to herself as she pulls out a wallet, fingering through the slots before finding an old twenty. “Not exactly gunna pay the bills, though.”
    “Jen.” Andrei calls over to her, waving her over.
      She gets up, walking over to him by the dresser, smiling nervously as he twirls his finger for her to spin around.
    “For you.” He says, draping a sparkling diamond pendant over her chest as he wraps the gold chain around her neck, securing the clasp in the back.
      She giggles, walking up to the dresser as she picks through the gold jewelry.
    “I honestly think I want to take this stuff.” She whispers brightly as Andrei leans against the dresser, watching her.
    “Sure, take all you want.” He says, smirking. “Just don’t try and pawn it.”
      “Are you kidding?” She says, holding her hand out as she stares at the diamond ring on her finger. “I would never get rid of these pretties.”
    “Hey,” He whispers, walking over to the closet. “Maybe there’s something in here…”
      He slides open the slotted closet door before getting to his knees and digging in a pile of towels on the floor.
    “Fucking bingo.” He says, waving her over. “Always check for a safe in the back of the closet, what did I fuckin’ tell you!”
    “How do we open a safe?” She asks, running over before watching Andrei place his hand on the handle.
    “Oh, my God!” He gasps, shaking his head as he easily pulls open the door. “Dude couldn’t invest in a real fucking safe?”
      She gulps, her heart fluttering

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