Chrome & Leather - The Novel (Adriana Ness ♯1) (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Free Chrome & Leather - The Novel (Adriana Ness ♯1) (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Deep Pink

Book: Chrome & Leather - The Novel (Adriana Ness ♯1) (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Deep Pink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deep Pink
Tags: Motorcycle Club romance
houses,” he said impulsively.
    "Are you sure thats a good idea? Will some of the men go with you?"
    “I’ll take the back roads and travel fast, I will draw less attention that way. I'm ready for anyone who tries to mess with me".
    Pop said nothing as he knew it best not to question or doubt Blackjack. He had seen this crazed and manic look in his eyes before. Pop did not last this long in this world by foolishly forcing the issue.
    “I’ll be back here by the morning. Be here and ready. We will take these fuckers apart,” said Blackjack as he turned to return upstairs. Before returning to Linda he grabbed a bunch of fresh bandages from a supply under the stairs. Blackjack paused for a second as he stuffed the medical supplies in his pocket. This well stocked closet represented the life he had chosen. He lived in a world were nearly all of his gang knew how to stitch a wound, repair damaged flesh or just generally patch up a fallen brother. He smiled blackly to himself thinking of all the shit his gang had been through over the years, what he was building, the plans he had. All of his life was built on a foundation of sand and he could feel it slipping away if he didn't focus and grit it out. His gang wasn't called the vengeful eight for nothing. He would bring a reckoning to all involved that would leave a trail of destruction a mile wide. There was no way he would not go without a fight even though in the back of his mind all he could think was, they have got the jump on you twice. He prided himself on being smarter than the average meathead biker he came across. His gang had always been smarter and quicker than anyone else. The combination of swift justice within his ranks and smart dealings on the street had allowed his gang to flourish. Maybe he had got greedy with the last few deals and that was why the had now become some sort of target.
    His shoulder ached as he went back upstairs to Linda. Blackjack was surprised as his heart sped up the closer he got to the bedroom door, his palms even began to sweat a little. He hadn't felt like this around a woman in a long time. There was something special about this woman. He could see she was wounded and withdrawn because of the shitty deal she had been dealt by her dead beat husband. There was more to her than a bruised and battered woman, he could see that clearly. Behind the broken and damaged face he could see a strong and calculating woman waiting to be set free. He felt both protective and in awe of her at the same time. She had saved his life back in the bar and he would be forever in her debt. Blackjack felt that maybe she could be his equal, someone to trust as the foundation gave way and the sand pulled him and his gang towards its doom. He pushed all such thoughts from his mind as he entered the room.

    Linda was dozing on the bed and roused from her shallow nightmare filled sleep as Blackjack entered. She smiled her crooked busted lip smile at him, wincing as she did so. He reciprocated with a broad toothy grin which if she was being honest with herself made him look hot. His smile looked good on his square jawed and very handsome face.
    “Is everything ok?” she asked propping herself up on the bed.
    Blackjack sat down on the bed as his smile slipped away and his usual stern scowl returned.
    “Red is in trouble. Some masked freak is holding him until I meet him tomorrow morning,” Blackjack said. Usually he would not divulge any gang business to a woman he was with but with Linda he felt differently. He felt like she could handle anything he would tell her.
    “We have to leave here tonight. Its not safe for you. I have a bolt hole in the city were we can crash for the night.”
    He took his heavy leather jacket off and threw it on the floor in a heap. He stripped his tight t shirt off and Linda could see that blood had began to spot through the bandages.  
    “Do you want me to change your dressings?” Linda asked.
    Blackjack got up and began pacing

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