ROMANCE: BAD BOY MAFIA ROMANCE: On the Run (Pregnancy Hitman Suspense Mystery Romance) (Women’s Fiction Suspense Action & Adventure)

Free ROMANCE: BAD BOY MAFIA ROMANCE: On the Run (Pregnancy Hitman Suspense Mystery Romance) (Women’s Fiction Suspense Action & Adventure) by Laurie Teller

Book: ROMANCE: BAD BOY MAFIA ROMANCE: On the Run (Pregnancy Hitman Suspense Mystery Romance) (Women’s Fiction Suspense Action & Adventure) by Laurie Teller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Teller
    On the Run
    Mystery / Suspense Romance
    “Kara, have you taken everyone’s orders yet?  Because if you haven’t, I’m going to go ahead and say you’re screwed.”
    “I got it, Brenda.  I’m just about to make the rounds, ok?  Speaking of which, do you want anything?”
    “No,” the dark haired beauty said with a not so beautiful smirk, “but like I said, you’re in deep shit.  You should have taken the orders like, an hour ago.  Mr. Whitney isn’t going to be very happy.  He isn’t going to be happy at all .  He doesn’t like it when people are late.  You’re going to have to work late for sure.  Maybe you should pay more attention, you know?  Or maybe you just aren’t cut out for this job.  It’s a fast paced place.  Being an assistant to a man like Mr. Whitney isn’t for everyone, you know?  It takes grooming.  Nobody would think less of you if you quit.”
    “I bet.”
    Kara wished she could say it out loud, but it just wasn’t the way she operated.  Being catty like that wasn’t in her DNA.  Besides, what was the point?  She was a hard worker and a fast learner and those were the things she was going to have to rely on.  Or else she really would just have to quit.  One thing was for sure, she wasn’t going to be able to rely on forming lifelong friendships with the other women in the office to help her learn the way things were supposed to work.  She couldn’t have been more different from the women around her if she had tried.
    Kara Welsh was originally from Texas, a sunny girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and a lithe tan body born out of years of playing out in the Texas son.  But when she had been old enough she had moved to New York City for college and like many, many people before her, she had come with big dreams of success, none of which turned out exactly as she had planned.  Instead of striking it out on her own as an author, the thing she had wanted from the time she was a little girl, she got one rejection letter after the other until she had to face the fact that things weren’t going to happen to her, at least not in the timeframe she had wanted.  Having always been a girl to take matters into her own hands, however, she refused to go back to Texas with her tail between her legs.  She pounded the pavement like so many others and found a job that would support her until she could make that dream come true.  She had honestly believed that she would make a good assistant, too, but she had only been in the position for three weeks and she was well aware that she had made many more mistakes than she had done things correctly.  In the back of her head there was a doubt beginning to take root, something she had never believed would happen to her.  She was starting to think that maybe she honestly wasn’t cut out for New York.  
    “Um, Kara?  Are you just going to stand there?   I don’t think that’s going to help your case.”
    “No, no I’m not.  Now if you’ll excuse me.”
    Kara brushed by Brenda with as much dignity as she could manage and began her rounds around the massive office which seemed to her to be made almost entirely out of metal and glass.  It was like working in a giant piece of art and she was the only one who saw it.  There just wasn’t any time for appreciation of that kind of thing in this busy place.  There wasn’t any room for awe and wonder; those things were definitely frowned upon.  What wasn’t frowned upon was promptness, which was something she seemed to be struggling with.
    Most of the people she took orders from only looked at her with disdain, some of them just waving her away and out of the office with a sigh of disgust and some of them barking their order at her like she was a short order cook.  Although she knew she shouldn’t have, she saved Mr. Whitney for last.  But finally there was nobody else to speak to and so she had no choice but to make

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