Adjournment (The Fate Series)

Free Adjournment (The Fate Series) by Emersyn Vallis

Book: Adjournment (The Fate Series) by Emersyn Vallis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emersyn Vallis
I say she is done, because the girl in the mirror is unidentifiable to me.
    I’m average pretty… this girl is sex on heels.
    I think I am in love with her.
    The two of them stand behind me, both slack-jawed and wide-eyed as they stare at their masterpiece.
    I spend hours making people look like a better version of themselves, and I’m lucky if I throw on eyeliner and mascara myself. Sometimes, on a good day, I will throw lipstick into the mix. My hair, while it’s always done—it’s never like this. It’s always just pinned back and out of my way. This girl in the mirror, however, looks like she has it all together. Like she has a makeup team behind her that does every-oh wait… she does.
    “Okay, can you stop gawking so we can go?” I say, shifting uncomfortably in my heels under their intense gaze.
    As though being shocked back to life by my words, they both jump, knocking into each other and saying, “I’m sorry.”
    “Sid, if I was straight…” Jacob starts to say, and I hold up my hand to stop him.
    “Sid, if I wasn’t straight…“ Lexi starts to say, and I raise my other hand to stop her.
    “I get it—under other circumstances you would both want me. That is both flattering and creepy, so let’s go before the spell wears off!” I say, clapping my hands to get a move on.
    We walk out of my room, grabbing our things to leave, before giving ourselves one last look in the mirror that hangs by the front door. It’s no surprise that Jacob is dressed in his best fitting pants and shirt—that are just tight enough to show off his amazingly cut body. Lexi is in a black leather strapless dress that ends right under her ass.
    Where did she get that?
    I lean in close to her. “Where did you get that?” I whisper to her.
    “The thrift shop down the street, and if you say anything to Jacob I will make sure to strangle you with it later,” she says through a tight smile.
    I nod.
    Since I just went through that with him I wouldn’t be so mean as to throw her under the bus. Also I don’t want to wait the hour or so it would take for him to find her something else to wear.
    Looking back at the mirror I catch them both watching me.
    My head cocks back when I catch their eyes.
    “Nothing,” they both reply and head for the door.
    Now I wish I had worn the other dress.
    “Sid, this is a big deal so stay calm and you know… don’t do that laughy thing you do,” Lexi says trying to coach me. I think?
    What the hell, I have gone out to clubs before!
    “Women aren’t supposed to laugh over a whisper.” I brush them off.
    Lexi shakes her head at me.
    “Yes and don’t bend over! If you drop something dip straight down… God help us if you bend over; you’ll cause heart attacks!” Jacob squeals, causing them both to start laughing.
    My dress, like Lexis’, falls right under my ass, leaving nothing to the imagination.
    “Okay so don’t laugh and don’t bend, got it. Anything else oh wise leaders?” I can’t help but lay on the sarcasm as I hit the button for the elevator.
    “Hmm, most importantly stay out of trouble.” Jacob points a warning finger at me.
    I give him my best attempt at a confused look.
    “Trouble? Please, I’ve come a long way since that girl you once knew. Is that what all this coaching is about?” Blowing them off, I step into the little hell-box when it arrives.
    “Yes, we both remember the last time we had a big night out, and that guy that you are completely not in love with was there. You both wound up replacing uniforms for three waitresses and both bartenders, and the mirror behind the bar, and the ambulance ride for the bartenders. Am I forgetting anything?” Jacobs looks at Lexi.
    “My shoes,” she snaps through her teeth.
    “First of all, that was his fault. He should have been a gentleman and paid for it all,” I scowl, remembering that night.
    “I still don’t understand why you had to throw my shoe,” Lexi whines crossing her arms.

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