Never Broken

Free Never Broken by Kathleen Fuller

Book: Never Broken by Kathleen Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Fuller
eyes still hard despite his next words. “I know it pains you to see people suffer. There is naught we can do for them now. We must think of our own preservation and future.” He turned and set the glass down on the desk behind him. “I have instructed the servants to pack your things, along with Mother’s. In four days, we leave for London. I can conduct the family’s affairs from there.”
    “No! You can’t do this, William.” Anger, stronger than she’d ever felt in her life, squeezed her chest. “You can’t uproot me from my home.”
    William’s blue eyes turned to hard, clear stones. “Don’t forget who is in charge of your future. With Father gone it is my responsibility to care for you, whether you appreciate my efforts or not.”
    “You expect gratitude for taking me away from the land and people I love? And what about Rory and Colm? You have not mentioned them at all.”
    “They will be dealt with.”
    His failure to be forthcoming sent a chill down her spine. “How?”
    “That is none of your concern.” With a smooth movement, her brother clasped his hand around her elbow and ushered her toward the door. “Now, leave me, for I have much work to do prior to our departure.”
    “You can’t dismiss me like one of the servants, William. I am your sister. I demand—”
    William’s grip tightened to the point of pain. “Now sister dear, petulance does not become you. You will be ready to go when the time comes with your valise packed and your mouth shut.” A smug expression crossed his features. “And wear that pretty blue and white striped confection Mother purchased for you a few months ago.”
    Suspicious, Sara asked, “Why?”
    “Priscilla’s older cousin, Quentin, will meet us when we arrive.”
    “William, no…” Sara whispered. She remembered meeting Quentin at the wedding reception. He was at least ten years older than her and had the personality of a cobblestone wall. “Surely you don’t intend a betrothal?”
    “He possesses a prime lineage and coffers filled to the brim. He will make a good match for our family.”
    “What about a good match for me?” She had always thought she would marry for love. Her father had promised her as much. “Does Mother know about this?”
    “Mother and I are of the same mind.” William smirked. “Now run along. I’m sure you have loads of packing to tend to.”
    She stared at him, watching as he calmly reseated himself behind their father’s desk, not looking up. He picked up a sheaf of papers and began perusing them while polishing off his glass of port. Her spirits slipped to despair. Any protestation she made would fall fallow on her brother’s cold heart.
    Numb, she left the study and climbed the stairs to her room. Somehow she had to stop William, not for herself, but for the sake of the tenants. She couldn’t go to her mother, and if she told Colm what William planned, he would lose his temper and make everything worse. There was only one person she could turn to.
    She stopped in the middle of the staircase, turned, ran downstairs, passed through the back door of the manor, and hurried to the stables. The groom, O’Kelley, was hanging up one of William’s saddles. He paused to touch Uncle Edwin’s favorite saddle, well-worn from years of use. The employees and servants of Gormley Manor also mourned the death of their lord.
    “O’Kelley?” she said, not wanting to startle him but speaking with urgency. “Have you seen Rory?”
    The burly man faced her, scratching his reddish beard. “Aye. He left about an hour ago. Didn’t say where he was goin’.”
    “You must find him.” At his odd expression, she regained her composure. It wouldn’t do for her to run around in a panic, despite fear and dread consuming her. “He is needed at the manor.”
    “Aye, m’lady. I’ll send out one of my boys posthaste.”
    Two hours later, Sara paced her room as she waited for Rory to arrive. Her fingers touched her right temple,

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