Tied to a Boss 2

Free Tied to a Boss 2 by J.L Rose

Book: Tied to a Boss 2 by J.L Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L Rose
lightly knocked and pushed open the thick, oil-shined redwood office door. Stepping inside her husband’s office, she saw Dominic seated behind his desk speaking on the phone. Carmen met her husband’s eyes as he held up his hand for her to hold on.
    Taking a seat in one of the two cushioned chairs in front of her husband’s desk, Carmen crossed her long and slim, nicely muscular, legs. She smiled at her husband. His eyes shifted from the papers on top of his desk in front of him to her legs and then up to her eyes.
    “I will call you back,” Dominic said into the phone, holding his wife’s eyes as he hung up the phone. He smiled at Carmen and said, “What is it, my love?”
    “I wanted to inform you that I was able to get Mr. Blackwell to accept our gift, “Carmen told her husband, before adding, “It may also have had a little to do with your daughter as well, my husband.”
    Making a face, Dominic asked, “Exactly what does Natalie have to do with Dante?”
    “It seems that our daughter may have taken an interest in Mr. Dante Blackwell,” Carmen told her husband, with a small smile.
    “Where is she?”
    “Both Dante and Natalie have left. He’s taken her for a ride at our daughter’s request.”
    Leaning back in his cushion, black-leather office desk chair, Dominic folded his hands around his chest and said, “Where is Gomez?”
    “My guess would be that he’s inside his room as was told of him,” Carmen answered. “I’m pretty sure that Gomez will be upset once he hears Natalie has left without him.”
    Slowly smiling as he stared across at his wife, Dominic said, “You questioned me about Dante’s ability and sureness with wanting to hire him. This is the perfect timing for a display.”
    “What are you planning, Dominic?” Carmen asked her husband, staring at him with a funny expression on her face.
    Smiling a little more, Dominic answered, “Just wait and see, my wife. Wait and see!”
    * * *
    Pulling in front of Alex’s condo, Alinna saw his Cadillac parked outside. She parked her BMW beside his car and shut off the engine.
    Alinna grabbed her bag and climbed out of her car. As she was locking it up, she heard a voice from her left side: “What’s up, beautiful?”
    She smiled seeing Alex standing in the doorway to his condominium dressed in gray cotton sweatpants and a white wife beater. She silently cursed herself as she found herself comparing Alex to Dante.
    She was still smiling as she walked from the car and headed toward his front door. Alinna went up on her toes and kissed Alex on the lips and said, “Hey, sexy! You look like you missed me!”
    “More than you know!” Alex replied, smiling as he took Alinna’s hand and pulled her gently inside the condo. He closed and locked the door behind them.
    Alinna was impressed when she looked around the condo. She heard Alex tell her to make herself at home, as he headed towards the kitchen. She slowly made her way through to the den, checking out the hook-up.
    Alinna nodded her head at the setup Alex had in his den. She stopped in front of the picture display, as she found herself looking for females in pictures with Alex. She noticed an exotic-looking female who showed up in more than one photo with Alex, even though she looked much younger than Alex did.
    “That’s my baby sister you’re staring at!” Alex spoke up, as he walked up behind her.
    Looking from the photos back over her shoulder at Alex’s face, Alinna waited until he looked down meeting her eyes and said, “You sure that’s your sister, Alex?”
    “Would I lie?”
    “I don’t know,” she answered. A moment later she asked, “Would you lie to me, Alex?”
    “Come on!” he told Alinna, taking her hand and leading her over to the sofa. They sat down and he pulled her beside him. “Alinna, listen! I’m not a fool, beautiful. I can see the hurt in your eyes and I know it was a guy before me that put that hurt there. But I’m not him. I don’t want to be him

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