
Free BacktoLife by Emma Hillman

Book: BacktoLife by Emma Hillman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Hillman
rubbed his cock like a piston. Up
and down his hand went, his fingers squeezed as tight as they could go.
    He was so damn nice, she thought as she
touched herself and watched him do the same. She loved him so much it felt as
if her heart would burst any moment now. Instead her orgasm hit, bringing a
startled cry out of her.
    He saw the juices coating her fingers and
swore out loud. Seconds later he was coming and she looked on as he aimed his
cock toward her. Semen hit her chest in cloudy white spurts. It slid down her
body, coating her, marking her.
    She really was his.
    Inside and out.
    * * * * *
    I should do it now, Sara thought as she snuggled against Jared, his shoulder rock-hard
under her cheek. They’d spent a perfect day, from their breakfast in bed to the
rom-com they were now watching, cuddled together under a soft fleece blanket.
    Easy familiarity had permeated every
moment, reminding her of all those times they’d laughed together over the past
months, when he’d been her brother-in-law and had tried his very best to get
her to live again after Mike’s death.
    And now here they were, in the same room,
doing the same things…but this time, she could feel his body close to hers, the
scent of his shower gel clinging to his skin. She forced herself not to rub her
nose into the curve of his neck, knowing it’d look weird, and yet he smelled so
good. She could just eat him up.
    She looked back at the TV screen, only to
be stopped by a hand under her chin. “You’re thinking again.”
    “That’s what human beings do,” she replied
with a smile.
    “Very funny,” Jared chided gently. He
traced her lips with his thumb. “What were you thinking of?”
    “You. Us.”
    “And…” She dug her elbow into his side,
trying to gain purchase so she could sit upright.
    “Ouch!” Jared made a grimace.
    She rolled her eyes. “Big baby.”
    “Hey, I’m an athlete! Look at these,” he
added, curling a biceps and making his muscles stand out.
    She chuckled. “Yeah, yeah, you strong
    “Yeah, baby, that’s me.” He looped his arm
around her shoulders and pulled her back toward him. “So you were saying?”
    “Oh.” She blinked. Here we go… This was the
moment she’d been dreading for the past year, but she knew it was time. She
could feel it deep inside her chest.
    “Are you all right? Sara?”
    She ignored the tinge of worry in his voice
and looked down at her hands in her lap. “Yes. Sure.” She took a deep breath.
    “Okay, what’s wrong?” Once again, he forced
her head up.
    “Nothing’s wrong,” she replied. “Really.
I…I just wanted to do this.” Their gazes locked, she slid her wedding ring from
her left hand and dropped it into his open palm.
    “Sara?” He looked completely astonished.
His eyes kept going from her face to the ring in his hand, back and forth, back
and forth until she realized his arm was shaking.
    “I just…” She licked her lips. “I just
thought it was time, you know?”
    “Are you sure about this? I mean, you’d
know better than me, but… Honey, this is huge. I don’t want you to feel
pressured or anything. I don’t—”
    “It was my decision, Jared. It’s been more
than a year and…it’s just time, okay?”
    “Okay.” He exhaled, loudly, and repeated,
“Okay.” Two seconds later his lips were on hers.
    The kiss was soft as a feather, their
mouths barely touching, and yet she felt it deep inside her. She loved him so
much. Of course, she’d loved him for years, but this was more. This felt
completely different, as if she was hanging from a cliff and the only way to
save herself was to count on him, to grasp his hand and hold on. She shivered and
drew back a little, gasping when she spotted the emotions clearly displayed on
his face.
    She felt a smile blossom on her face. “Okay
    Jared started laughing. He wrapped his arms
around her and hid his face in the crook of her neck, the bristles covering his
cheeks abrading

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