Gifted (Rockstar Christmas Romance) (Lost in Oblivion, 4.2)

Free Gifted (Rockstar Christmas Romance) (Lost in Oblivion, 4.2) by Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott

Book: Gifted (Rockstar Christmas Romance) (Lost in Oblivion, 4.2) by Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott
baritone, finishing off his beer. “Harp and me are taking our old bedroom, since Jazz’s sister vacated for the night. Though, seriously, I could do without the Bieber pic on the closet door. My room has been defiled by Molly.”
    “She says he’s packing,” Jazz said with a dainty shrug, slinging her arms around Gray’s shoulders. “I guess there’s nude shots on the internet. Not that I searched for an hour or anything.”
    “That’s my wife,” Gray said with a grin. “Giving her all in the name of research.”
    “Hello, this beard is itchy.” Nick tugged on it and huffed out a breath. “Someone better get on my lap pronto or I’m going to lose all my fucking good cheer.”
    “I’ll get the babies, but you better not be lewd, crude or anything else.” Harper pointed at Nick before heading out of the room.
    “When have I ever been lewd or crude?”
    Simon and Jazz spoke simultaneously. “Every minute since birth.”
    Lila shook her head and smiled as Margo apparently gave up on possibly sexing Simon to watch the entertainment with Saint Nick and the babies and plopped back down beside Lila. “Who needs boys?” Lila said to her friend, tipping her head against Margo’s.
    A hug and a head tip was about as demonstrative as she got during the holiday season, and Margo seemed to know it because she laughed and went along with her. “Not us.”
    “Does this mean this sleepover is turning girl-on-girl?” Simon wondered, popping a mini sausage-and-cheese on a stick from Harper’s snack tray in his mouth.
    “Hey, watch it, potty mouth,” Harper said, toting in Dylan with Deak and Lexi bringing up the rear. “Little ears.”
    Dylan lifted his head from Harper’s shoulder and blinked, making everyone laugh.
    Simon grinned. “See, the boy’s already tuning in at that mention.”
    Harper set one sleepy baby on Nick’s right hip and the other on the opposite one, and Jazz and Deak started competing over who would snap the best picture with their phone. Harper joined Margo and Lila’s side of the circle, and after handing her phone to Gray, Jazz flanked her other side and linked arms with her bestie to watch the squabbling boys with the now-fussing children.
    “Which one you think will run from the stink farm that is a baby post-bottle first?” Harper asked.
    “Simon,” they all said simultaneously.
    “He does have a model image to project,” Margo said, laughing as Jazz bumped her leg.
    An hour later, the pictures had all been taken, and the babies had been tucked back into their beds. The presents had all been unwrapped. Actually, decimated was a better word for the collection of boxes, bows and paper strewn across the floor in front of the waning fire.
    Nick’s presents had been viewed with confusion at best. He seemed to have grabbed every boxed convenience gift he could. And his choices of recipient were puzzling too. He’d given a mini checker set to Deacon, who had hands the size of rump roasts, and hair ties that appeared to belong in the children’s aisle to Jazz, and a mini cutting board with a cheese knife to Harper that broke as soon as she removed it from the box. He’d thrown in some better gifts too, but they were overlooked in his delight at giving the game Simon to…Simon.
    If Lila hadn’t known better, she might’ve thought he’d been hitting the cooking sherry before his Santa duties. Hard.
    The festivities started petering out after the fail that was Nick’s gift-giving efforts. Simon and Margo retreated to his old room to…well, they probably weren’t singing Christmas carols. Deak and Harper were the next to head upstairs, followed soon after by Gray and Jazz, who’d gone from snuggling in front of the fire to not-so-subtly groping each other.
    “Merry Christmas,” Jazz said over her shoulder before they left the room, directing a secret smile at Lila and Nick.
    “Merry Christmas,” Lila and Nick echoed.
    Much celebrating of the naked variety was taking place

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