Come On Over

Free Come On Over by Debbi Rawlins

Book: Come On Over by Debbi Rawlins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbi Rawlins
it up at all.”
    â€œAll right.” She knew not to ask why. Sometimes the Eager Beaver could be a touchy issue between Trent and his dad, who liked to go on and on about the curse. “I’ll call you next Wednesday after I go to the bank.”
    â€œThanks. Say hey to everyone for me.”
    â€œI will. Can I tell them we’ll see you for Thanksgiving?”
    â€œWouldn’t miss it.” He hung up, still confused, and a little angry.
    The deal with Violet... He could see how it was one of those things everyone just accepted and never spoke of. Especially since the ranch had been abandoned twice, each time for a few years. It was probably a good thing Violet had been around to deter vandalism or squatting. What bothered him was the feeling he had that Violet knew more than she was letting on. Even after denying it to his face less than an hour ago.
    * * *
    T HE PEOPLE IN Blackfoot Falls seemed friendly. And, naturally, curious. But not nearly as curious as Shelby had expected. She hoped that meant a lot of tourists passed through. If so, that would be excellent for her. She might be able to find a shop owner willing to sell her jewelry on consignment. Though she was getting a bit ahead of herself. So far all she’d done was cruise down Main Street to get her bearings, then parked and walked two blocks to Abe’s Variety Store.
    Not too many folks were out. She’d noticed the parking lot at the Food Mart was crowded, probably because it was Saturday. Though she suspected weekends in a ranching community meant something different than they did for city people.
    Most everyone smiled or nodded to her. A couple of young women stared, but that was it. Folks must’ve pegged her for a tourist or visiting relative. The town was small enough that a stranger would stick out.
    She stopped outside the variety store and scanned the bulletin board. There was a flyer for the county fair, another announcing Halloween happenings for the kiddies. Also, ads for sale items, but no upcoming festivals. That was a bummer. Her jewelry would sell well at a festival. Although she hadn’t actually tried to sell any of her pieces since college.
    After she’d started working as a designer for the Williamsons, she’d given the items she made on the side as gifts. God forbid her
private pieces be associated with the snooty Williamson Jewelers in any way. No, they’d practically owned her. Too bad it had taken her so long to see that.
    A bell above the door jingled as she stepped inside the store. The older man behind the counter looked up. One of the women he was talking to turned and gave her the once-over. Shelby just smiled and went in search of sheets. Although, judging by the size of the store and the type of merchandise she could see on the front shelves, she wasn’t expecting much.
    â€œAnything I can help you with, young lady?” The man from behind the counter approached just as she found a package of sheets.
    â€œHi. I don’t suppose you have any colors besides white?” Or with a decent thread count, she thought, but kept that to herself.
    â€œNot in stock, no. But I can order any color and size you want.” He frowned at her over the glasses resting on his bulbous nose. “I figured you were staying at the Sundance, but then you wouldn’t be needing sheets.”
    â€œThe Sundance?”
    â€œIt’s part dude ranch. Owned by the McAllister family,” he said, waiting expectantly for her to fill in the blanks.
    â€œI’m staying at the Eager Beaver.”
    â€œOkay.” He nodded. “The Kimballs’ place. You must be a friend of Trent’s.”
    Her heart sank. “Um, not exactly,” she said and realized too late she should’ve gone with his assumption.
    â€œYou can’t be related to Violet. I don’t believe she has any family.”
    The Kimballs’ place
kept echoing in her brain. “By the way,

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