Sun God

Free Sun God by Nan Ryan

Book: Sun God by Nan Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nan Ryan
moment, looking at him, undecided. It was hard to think clearly with a tall, bronzed, near-naked Sun God standing there before her.
    “Yes, I suppose I could do that.”
    Luiz smiled, reached out and touched her cheek. “I’ll go on and get into the water while you undress.”
    She nodded. “All right.”
    But he didn’t move. Stayed right where he was. Amy dropped the clothes she held and turned away from him. Her hands shook a little as she unbuttoned her blouse and slipped her arms out of the sleeves. She bent and pulled off her boots and stockings, then straightened.
    Still undecided, she stood there feeling his eyes on her back, wondering if she should put her blouse right back on. Her hands went to the buttons of her trousers. They were easier to unbutton than to button, and then she was left with nothing more to do than to take them off.
    She put her thumbs into the sides of the waistband, wiggled her firm little derriere from side to side several times, and twisted free of the trousers. When they slipped down over her hips to her knees, she bent forward, pushed them to the ground, and stepped free of them.
    And didn’t realize just how much her companion, watching every move she made, had enjoyed the performance.
    Slowly Amy turned around and the grin that was playing at Luiz’s lips began to fade. Amy stood there facing him in a lace-and-ribbon-trimmed cotton chemise and underdrawers, with the cutest little smile of shyness he’d ever seen on her lovely face. The chemise’s straps were narrow, its bodice was very low, revealing delicate ivory shoulders and a swanlike throat and slender arms. The fabric pulled tightly across her high, full bosom, the lace perfectly positioned to hide the crests of her breasts.
    The narrow sash of her underdrawers was tied securely at her small waist and filmy lace, at midthigh, decorated the hem of the underwear—a provocative little garment far more daring than anything he could have imagined. Her naked legs were long and pale and her thighs were so firm and perfectly formed he felt his throat grow dry.
    “I—I … think we’d better get into the water, don’t you?” she said.
    “The sooner the better,” he admitted.
    Now on this oppressively hot July afternoon, they stripped down to their underwear and eagerly climbed the steep, vine-covered rocky trail up to the huge flat boulder overhang beside the rushing falls. In seconds they stood there in the fierce sunlight, high above the cold, deep pool.
    Luiz waited while Amy wound her loose, golden hair into a thick rope and pinned it haphazardly atop her head. When she’d finished, she squinted up at him and said, “Ready at last. Shall we dive? Want me to go first?”
    “I have a better idea,” he said, and knelt down on the smooth rock. “Climb on my back, we’ll go down together.”
    “Yes!” Amy quickly agreed. After stepping around behind him, she promptly wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his back. Luiz’s arms came up under her knees and he rose to his feet, shifting her high upon his back. While Amy laughed he moved to the rock’s edge. He positioned himself directly on the rim, his bare toes hanging over.
    “Hold on tight,” he cautioned, and stepped off the ledge.
    Amy screamed all the way down. They hit the cold, smooth water and went straight down, almost to the pool’s rocky bottom. Amy clung tightly to Luiz’s neck, her legs locking around his waist. He scissored his feet and shot to the surface, pulled her around in front of him, kissed her wet, laughing lips, then threw her over backward.
    For a time they played happily in the cold, invigorating stream, racing across its width, water fighting out in the middle, doing acrobatics below the surface. When Amy came up coughing and choking after an endurance test of breath-holding underwater, a worried Luiz gathered her up in his arms, swam to the banks, and carried her out of the water.
    “You all right?” he asked anxiously as

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