The Millionaire's Convenient Bride

Free The Millionaire's Convenient Bride by Larisa Anderson

Book: The Millionaire's Convenient Bride by Larisa Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larisa Anderson
wedding, and he acted much the same as today.
    “ I must be off. I have my own business to run as my dear brother seems to have forgotten.”
    “ You’re not staying?”
    He shrugged and with a cheerful wave left the apartment.
    Amanda was watching her tentatively, clutching a large bag to her side.  Louisa was still getting used to the idea of getting married to a man who didn’t love her. She hadn’t even thought about the wedding, and certainly the idea of a large wedding was out of the question. She could imagine a simple ceremony at state hall.  She had reckoned without Dominic’s family.
    “ Okay, let’s get this over with.” She couldn’t hurt the whole family by not even inviting them. She wouldn’t hurt others because of her decisions. They must all believe that this was a real wedding. And if it meant a white dress and reception she would have to learn to deal with it. 
    “ Oh but this will be fun! Cole informed me of your accident, so I brought all of the brochures and samples with me so that you won’t have to tire yourself out.” She began piling heaps of bridal magazines onto the coffee table followed by fabric samples and even a container that Louisa suspected held cake samples. Milo wobbled over to sniff the bag expectantly.
    She knew now why Dominic had been in such a playful mood as he left this morning. He would have known what Cole was up to.
    An hour and too much cake later they settled on a chocolate cake with traditional lemon icing, three tiers and no fancy columns or ribbons. The colour scheme was to be white and pale yellow with roses and lily of the valley. She talked Amanda out of hiring a hall after Louisa put her foot down. It wasn’t a real wedding after all, and she wouldn’t allow the extra expense. The dress was proving a problem.
    “ But it’s so traditional, Louisa. You need some more flair and body to fill it out.” Amanda tickled Milo with a feather that had come from the centrepiece samples they had gone through.
    “ They look like meringues, and no white. I’m not pretending to be a virgin, and no one will believe I am either. Plus it would clash terribly with my skin.”  Louisa knew that her olive skin couldn’t stand true white nor could her taste.
    “ What about this one?” Louisa asked, pointing to a simple cream, floor length dress with spaghetti straps. Amanda screwed her nose up, not even pretending to like the style. Louisa was a stubborn person as Cole knew well. He would have chosen Amanda purposely so that Louisa couldn’t bully her.
    “ That’s a bride’s-maid dress, Louisa. I know you’re meant to be resting, but I think we have to go and try some on. Pictures can only help so much.” She was on her feet before Louisa could protest.
    Amanda and the women at the bridal shops must have gone to the same bridal school. The first dress she was shown was so big that Louisa couldn’t even sit without the skirt puffing up to her shoulder height. She wondered again if this was all really worth it. She thought of those who worked for her, who trusted her, and forced herself to try another dress.  Milo watched from the safety of a puppy carry bag they had stopped off to buy for him, his furry little ginger face pressed to the mesh. Louisa had insisted on bringing him . She needed the laughs, and he was a good excuse to take regular breaks from the tedious shopping to feed him.
    The women had gone to the back room to find her another dress. Louisa knew that she wouldn’t like it either. She looked out of the window at the people passing and wondered if they had ever had to give up their dreams to make others happy. She thought of Dominic, his smile and the way he looked at her on the plane and wondered again if there wasn’t something there.
    The window display across the street caught her eye. There was a dress that didn’t have frills and more importantly was not white. Louisa didn’t hesitate as she got up, scooping Milo’s bag onto her

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