A Minute on the Lips

Free A Minute on the Lips by Cheryl Harper

Book: A Minute on the Lips by Cheryl Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Harper
that meant he wouldn’t take advantage to get the inside scoop—all in the name of the “truth”—and let the chips fall where they would.
    “And?” Gram was watching Andi closely again.
    “And I don’t think he’d try to hurt Jackie on purpose. And Oscar’s an employee. Jackie might be hard to work with, but would he risk his job for what little money Jackie kept on hand?”
    Gram worked a few double crochets before she answered. “I don’t know if you can rule it out. What does he say?”
    “Absolutely nothing. He manages a yes or a no and every once in a while a single-word answer.”
    “Who are his people?”
    Andi smiled. She should have known that question was coming. Gram would never hold it against him, being born away from Tall Pines, but she still asked. “His mother teaches at the school. They seem to be a real nice family. Awful quiet though.”
    “And was that everyone?”
    “No, Wanda Blankenship was there, too.”
    Gram glanced at Andi over the top of her glasses. “Have you interviewed her?”
    “Just for a minute. Of course, she was the perfect example of cooperation. After she flirted with Mark Taylor.”
    In a dry voice, Gram said, “I think she must be guilty, then.” Andi laughed as she sat up straight on the couch.
    “Gram, I absolutely wouldn’t mind if she were, but I somehow don’t think life is going to work out that neatly. It never does.”
    Gram put her crochet hook on top of the dishcloth in her lap. She reached out to take one of Andi’s hands. “Well, it hasn’t always been easy, that’s for sure. That’s why I don’t understand why you stay here.”
    Andi shrugged. “I stay here because you stay here.”
    Gram closed her eyes for a minute. “You know I’m not always going to be here. Then what?”
    Andi smiled at her. “I’m pretty sure I’m headed to Vegas right after the funeral, Gram. I’ve always wanted to be a showgirl. Without you holding me back, I’m going to be a star.”
    Gram tilted her head and squeezed Andi’s hand. “How did you get to be so hardheaded?”
    Andi bugged her eyes out and gave her head a wiggle. “Why, I do declare I have no idea.” The truth was they both knew that as soon as Andi had the chance, she’d leave Tall Pines. No matter how well she did as sheriff, Ray Evans would continue to oppose her while he was able and every election would be a battle.
    Gram picked up her crochet hook. “You probably ought to get on home. It’s getting dark out there.”
    She seemed to forget that Andi was an officer of the law, licensed to carry a gun and use it when necessary. And that they lived in a small town where a business robbery was the biggest news in a while. To Gram, no one should be out after dark. Nothing good happened after dark.
    The sleepless night and long day were wearing on Andi so she decided to take Gram up on this piece of wisdom. “Okay, night, Gram. When I stop by tomorrow night, I’m going to have a new hairdo. Got any advice?”
    She pretended to study Andi and her long brown curls. “I think you should go blond.” She laughed as she said it so there was no possibility that Andi would take her seriously.
    Andi shook her head. “Okay. Don’t be surprised if I show up with a blond buzz cut tomorrow. You had your chance. Maybe it’s time to shake things up around here.”
    Gram waited for Andi to kiss her cheek. “Baby, I think you might be right. You go ahead and shake some things up. Try smiling at that handsome young man.”
    Andi pulled back and gave Gram her best lawman’s gimlet-eyed stare. “How do you know he’s handsome?”
    She shook her head. “Some lawman you are. His picture’s in the paper, dear.” Her tone was mild but Andi could hear the unspoken duh in it.
    “Right.” Andi walked over to the door, opened it and made a theatrical show of turning the lock on the knob for her.
    When Gram said, “Good night, Andi,” she waved and walked out to her car.
    On her way home, the

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