My Billionaire Cowboy: A BWWM Western Romance

Free My Billionaire Cowboy: A BWWM Western Romance by Bwwm Romance Dot Com, Esther Banks

Book: My Billionaire Cowboy: A BWWM Western Romance by Bwwm Romance Dot Com, Esther Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bwwm Romance Dot Com, Esther Banks
took her hand. “How would something like this change
anything between us? I’m still the same man.”
    She massaged her temples, closed her eyes and tried to figure out
what else to say. “Of course you are. But it does make things a
bit different.”
    “How? You weren’t interested in me because of my money.
You didn’t even know I had the amount that I have. How does it
change things?”
    “I mean, we’re definitely not on the same playing field.”
    Bruce ran his fingertips along her chin. “We never really were.
And I don’t mean that in a bad way.”
    “Trust me, I understand what you mean and I don’t take it
negatively. It’s just that millionaire status is a lot to live
up to.”
    “Why would you have to live up to anything other than what you
are already doing in your life?”
    “Well, here I am. I’m just starting out in life. Just
trying to get my career in line and you have already been where I
would like to be. It makes it a bit intimidating. And I’m not
sure why.”
    He held her hand tightly. “Please know that my money had
nothing to do with anything when we met, when we agreed to start
dating, and it should not have anything to do with us now. I know
where you are in your life. I know where you want to go. That kind of
drive and ambition is sexy. I identify with it. I know it well. But
I’m at a point in my life where I would like to find the calm,
the peace in being with a person that loves me for me.
    “If I wanted to, I could find any type of arm candy, parade her
around, and come home to absolutely nothing. I could do that if that
fit me. But I’m not about that lifestyle. I have always wanted
substance. Wanted stability, and wanted a woman that is grounded.
That is you. Whether you know it or not. That is you. You are the
woman that can look me in the eye and tell me that my cowboy hat is
completely out of place and that I need to change my jeans because
the restaurant where we are going to eat won’t accept casual
dress. You are the woman that will encourage me to do more consulting
because I see your drive and it ignites my own.”
    He held her gaze intently.
    “How is it that we feel so much for each other so quickly? I
don’t understand. It’s dizzying actually to know that we
clicked so fast and that we are all in so soon.”
    “Kate, what I’ve found out about life is that you are
given what you need and what you want sometimes before you ask for
it. You may not always be ready for it when it comes, but when it
does, you can’t let it slip away. I’m not willing to let
you slip away.”
    He kissed her hand gently. Then the kisses trailed from her palm, to
her arm, to her shoulder, to the nape of her neck.
    “Can you seriously tell me we don’t have something here?”
    It was hard for her to think and focus with his lips igniting the
passion. Her skin was hot with his touch and she suddenly had the
urge to feel him inside of her.
    “How am I supposed to make a decision on anything under duress
like this?” she asked breathlessly.
    “Under duress? Is that what this is?” He leveraged his
body over top of hers.
    Kate, biting her lip, could not suppress the urge. She wanted him
right then. She invited him in once again. Once inside, they
collided, melting in to one another. Legs wrapped around his waist,
she held him in place, and when he began his motion, she was
mesmerized. Blue eyes stared into her brown ones, and they told her
what she knew, that he would never let her go.
    They made sweet music together again. No other sounds but the two of
them in harmony. It was all that they needed to hear. Erotic sounds
and the mood was set. With each caress, Kate felt more and more
satisfied. She kissed him just as she felt her body giving way to
orgasm. She dug her fingers into his back and with a sigh, she felt
the release rippling through her. Bruce’s body shuddered over
    They both smiled.
    “I could get used to this,” Bruce admitted.
    “I bet you could,”

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