“Don’t try to kid us, we know you’ve got it, our boss said you’d try and trick us about it.”
“Look, guys, I’ve not got one damn thing and you can see I’ve nothing hidden about my person as I’m naked as the Djinn Day I was born.”
“You have hidden it,” Joe snapped and snatched at my arm. I pulled away violently but his brother caught my other arm and captured it in something ice cold and metallic.
“Copper,” he smiled, “you can’t get out of copper.”
Josh attached another manacle to my right arm and I started to feel the intense chill of it burn into my skin as I watched the brothers peel off thick gloves.
“You fucking bastards, what do you want from me?”
“The key,” Joe said.
“Yes, the key.”
“I don’t have a damn key, I’m a Djinn, I don’t need one for a kettle, I just jump down the spout.”
“No, you’re right, you don’t have your own key, it is our master’s key and he cannot do all he wants to without it.” Josh sighed and turned his back on me. “But since you’re being so uncooperative I think we’ll leave you in the coppers for a bit, maybe after a few hours of burning pain you might see sense.”
“Oh, come on guys,” I yelled, “I honestly don’t know what you mean. I don’t know your master and I don’t have anyone’s key. Please, come on, for your sister’s sake—”
“Don’t you ever mention her, you bastard, don’t you ever say her name. How can you after what you did? After abandoning her like that?”
“I told you I was tricked, captured and brought to the human world. I couldn’t do anything to get back to her but she’s safe in Jennistan and I know I’ll have hurt her but I’ll go back and make it up to her. I promise I will, boys, I promise.”
“She’s not in Jennistan,” Joe yelled, sulphur-yellow tears streaking his Djinn-red cheeks. “You know that, you know she was fucking kidnapped but you did nothing, you still do nothing to help her. That’s why we work for him, he says he knows her whereabouts, says he’ll tell us if we get his key back and we care about our sister, we want her home with us, we love her. Unlike you.”
“Hush, Joe.” His brother stroked his arm gently. “Don’t tell him anything else, he can’t be trusted. Come on, let’s go for a pint.”
“No, lads, no, don’t go.” I pulled on my chains even though they dug into my flesh and stung like a million wasp stings. “What do you mean she was kidnapped? I didn’t know, lads, I really didn’t know. Oh, why didn’t you tell me? I thought she was safe, I thought she was safe at home waiting for me…” I broke off with sobs of despair as my tormentors walked down the corridor and away from me. Leaving me with the news that my soul mate was in danger. I cried bitterly then because I knew there was nothing I could do to save her.
Chapter Eight
“Let me untie you, now,” Aseem said after a few moments of comfortable silence. I brought my hands down in front of me and he started to work on the knots. “What’s this?” he asked, pulling at the charm around my neck.
“It’s just something my Dad gave me. It’s his amulet, he wears it for good luck. It hasn’t worked so well for me so far, though.”
“Oh, yes, it has,” Aseem chuckled. “Well, I think it has, this looks just like the key Josh uses to let them in and out of the door.”
“Really? So we can get out?”
“Well, I’m hoping so, let’s go.”
“Okay, think we better get dressed first though.”
“Good point. We’d better be quick. I don’t know when they’ll be back.”
“Thanks, Aseem,” I blurted out and I made a grab for my pyjama bottoms.
“What for?” he asked as he pulled his T-shirt over his cocoa-coloured chest.
“For, well, everything. I’d have been lost here without you.”
“Then I thank you too, Kiya, because I was lost without you here. Now I have the hope of escape, escape with you.”
“Do you want