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Book: Depravicus by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: ray gordon
trickery, he thought, thanking God that the dark-haired tart hadn't
returned with Kosher and the Reverend Mother. If he'd been caught
in the woods with his cock out... It didn't bear thinking about.
The blonde had finally assumed that her friend wasn't coming back
and had released Will after an hour of severe penile abuse.
Whipping his cock to several massive orgasms with the stick, she'd
only halted the torture when his reddened dick would no longer
stiffen. She was in for a severe thrashing, he reflected as the
phone rang.
    "Will, how are
you?" Josie asked as he answered.
    "Fine, fine,"
he replied with a chuckle.
    "Moscow's a
lovely place."
    "Yes, I'm sure
it is."
    "Are you all
right? You sound different."
    "No, no, I'm
fine. Was your flight all right?"
    "What have you
been up to, Will?" she asked, suspicion reflected in her voice.
    "Oh, this and
that," he chortled.
    "I know that
false laugh of yours," she returned. "Have you done anything
    "Illegal? Good
    "Come on, out
with it."
    "I've only
just put it away. Er... I've been working in the garden, messing
around with the computer and..."
    "You're hiding
something from me, Will. I know you of old. Now, tell me what
you've been doing."
    "I haven't
been doing anything, sweetness."
    "How many
orgasms have you had since I left?"
eight... I mean..."
    "Have you been
wanking again?"
    "Yes, yes I
have. But I've only had pictures of you in my mind, my angel of
carnal lust."
    "Who was she,
    "Who, dearest?
To whom do you refer?"
    "I'm referring
to the slag you've screwed."
about... Josie, I really can't believe the horrific depths of your
distrust. To suggest that I've been fucking two girls in the woods
is despicable."
    "I didn't
suggest anything of the kind."
    "Where did you
meet these girls?"
    "I... I didn't
meet any girls. I've been working extremely hard in the garden. The
fire was brilliant."
    "Fire? What
    "Er... Weeds
and rubbish. I had a bonfire. By the way, the Reverend Mother's
ensconced in the convent."
    "You're to
keep away from her, Will. And the convent. You're to stay well
away. Do you understand?"
    "Of course, my
little pinken petal."
    "Look, I have
to go. I'll ring you this evening."
    "Right you
are, my little bowl of flowers."
    "Oh, I almost
forgot. You know I was talking about having the Welsh dresser
French polished?"
    "There's a man
calling to do it tomorrow morning."
    "Oh. Why
didn't you mention it earlier?"
    "What with
preparing for the trip, I forgot all about it. He knows what to do,
so just keep out of his way and let him get on with it."
    "I've heard
that some of these French polishers make a right mess of
    "Not this one.
He's extremely good. Right, I'd better go."
    "I miss your
clitoris, Josie."
    "And I miss
your spunk. Bye, Will."
    Replacing the
receiver, Will rubbed his crotch as he pondered what used to be a
lovely dining room. At least he now had two options. Burglars
stripped the dining room or the French Polisher fucked up the job
and Will had to dispose of the dresser. And the dining room table
and chairs and... Fuck it. Wishing he'd not mentioned the fire, he
pictured an insurance assessor examining the charcoal remains of
the furniture and not only revealing the truth to Josie but taking
Will to court for attempted fraud.
    It was best to plod on with the original plan, he mused,
deciding that the time had come to open the bar for business.
Realizing that he couldn't advertise the bar, the illegal drinking
session, he switched his computer on and designed a leaflet
inviting the villagers to a meeting at his house that
evening. Father Entercock is back in
business preaching the word of the good Lord. Church meeting at the
old presbytery at six pm. All are welcome .
Josie would be happy if she came home to find a thriving business
running in the dining room, Will was sure. With the money rolling
in, he could buy her as many

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