
Free Depravicus by Ray Gordon

Book: Depravicus by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: ray gordon
into the little nymph's rectal tract, it
appeared that they'd both forgotten he was there. But that suited
Will, for the time being. Once they'd had enough of abusing each
other's naked bodies, he'd move in, cock in hand, foreskin
retracted, balls fully loaded...
    Hearing a
rustling sound in the bushes, Will frowned and looked about him.
This was typical, he thought, wondering who was lurking in the
undergrowth. Some bastard has to go sneaking around just when the
lessie show was becoming interesting. There again, it might not
have been any old bastard, he reflected. Josie had mentioned a girl
hovering in the lane, the Reverend Slagger and the Bishop were out
to nail him, and git-face Kosher seemed have joined forces with the
enemy. No peace for the obscene, Will thought as the bushes rustled
    "Do my arse
hard," the dark-haired girl breathed as her friend thrust the
buzzing vibrator deeper into her rectal tract. Will was torn
between watching the lewd act and keeping his eye on the bushes.
"Aren't you going to join in?" the girl asked, her anal sphincter
muscles gripping the huge phallus. Eyeing the taut tissue of her
anus stretched around the plastic dildo, Will crawled across the
grass and settled behind the girl. The blonde moving aside, he
grabbed the vibrator and twisted the massive shaft, sending
electrifying sensations through the quivering girl.
    "Here," the
blonde grinned, passing Will another vibrator. "You don't want to
neglect her pussy."
    "I certainly
don't," Will grinned. "I've never neglected a pussy in my life and
I don't intend to start now."
    Parting the
dark girl's hairless vagina lips, Will switched the second vibrator
on and thrust the device deep into the tight sheath of her hot
cunt. Her oily vaginal lips stretched tautly around the plastic
phallus, she gasped as Will double pistoned her sex cylinders. Her
juices of lust spraying from her bloated hole, splattering her
inner thighs, she dug her fingernails into the soft grass as the
birth of her orgasm stirred deep within her.
    "Try these
handcuffs on," the blonde said, pulling Will hands behind his
    "Oh, but... I
    "Then we can
have some real fun," she giggled, cuffing his wrists. "Lie on your
back and I'll suck your cock."
    "All right,"
he said eagerly. "What about the vibrators sticking out of your
friend's holes?"
    "I'll just
cuff your ankles together, like this. There, now you can't
    "We've got you
now, Entercock," the dark-haired girl chuckled, slipping the
vibrators out of her inflamed sex holes and lifting his cassocks up
over his stomach. "Now we'll torture your cock."
    "But I'm not
Entercock," Will said, frowning at the beauties.
    "Oh yes you
are," the blonde hissed. "You used us."
Will said, struggling to free himself.
    "Right," the
dark girl said, clambering to her feet and grabbing her clothes.
"I'll go and get Father Kosher and the Reverend Mother."
    "What?" Will
    "Now we've
trapped you we're going to turn you in."
    "Turn me
    "Go and get
Kosher," the blonde said. "I'll thrash his balls with a stick to
while away the time."
    As the dark girl ran off Will watched the horny blonde take a
long stick from the ground. This was a right mess, he reflected as
she raised the stick above her head. Once Kosher and the Reverend
Slagger arrived, he'd be doomed. Without Josie to look after him,
he'd got himself into deep shit. He'd end up in prison, he was sure
as the stick swished through the air and landed across the limp
shaft of his cock. "Argh!" he cried as the stick flailed his penis
again. "That fucking hurts!" There was evil reflected in the girl's
blue eyes as she raised the stick above her head again. Fuck, he
thought. He'd come face to face with the Devil's daughter.
"Argh!" Forgive me, Father, for I
have ... "Argh!"

    Finally making
it home, Will grabbed a can of lager from the fridge. His thrashed
cock aching, he swore to get even with the young slags.

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