April Holthaus - The MacKinnon Clan 01

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Book: April Holthaus - The MacKinnon Clan 01 by The Honor of a Highlander Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Honor of a Highlander
ones with severed limbs, and men so young they look to have never seen their eighteenth year.
    Covered in blood, dirt and sweat, he called out to Ewan, “Stay here wit the men, I’ll get Annella.”
    He came upon the two men guarding Annella. They did not have any weapon on them but a mere eating knife and a small dagger. They attempted to block Rory’s advances but failed miserably as Rory slashed each man. One in the chest and the other in the arm. With rapid speed, he picked Annella up into his arms and hurried towards the gates. 
    “Rory?” she whimpered.
    “Hush now, I’m here. Nay more harm will come to ye.”
    With Ewan in front of him clearing his path, they ran back to one of the boats hiding in the brush just as Rory and Ewan had planned. He gently set Annella down quickly, covering her in his plaid as they pushed the boat off into the moat towards dry land where the horses were tied up. He would have stayed and fought. He yearned for nothing more than to take down the Earl and Stewart but his first priority was to get Annella out of harm’s way.
    Soon Rory’s men were trailing behind them. As fast as they could before the English caught up to them, they mounted their horses. Rory had set Annella on his horse and jumped up behind her. Lifting her onto his lap, he held her in his arms and raced off.
    “My laird, the bastards ran scared,” Angus called out.
    “What of the Earl and Stewart?” Rory asked.
    “They’re gone too; ran out as soon as we entered the gates.”
    “Damn. We’ll get some distance between us in case they grow some balls and come after us,” Ewan said.
    “Aye,” Rory replied.
    He looked down at Annella. She appeared asleep with her head resting on his chest. Her skin felt feverish. He laid a kiss upon the top of her head and pulled her up closer to him hoping that the bumpy ride was not causing her further pain.
    After a half day’s ride, he found an opening in the trees with a nearby creek and decided to stop and make camp.
    “Ewan, get me some water, bandages and salve for Lady Annella,” he said as he slid off the back of his horse with Annella still in his arms. Gently laying her down on his plaid, he turned to her and said, “I need to look at ye, lass. I need to see yer cuts and bruises.”
    He unraveled the plaid from around her as best as he could. When he moved her, she moaned out in pain. His heart was breaking watching her in so much agony. He examined her injuries to see if there was anything that he could do but he did not know the trade of a healer. He was scared. Her fever was bad and he was not sure she was even going to make it through the night. The rope burns on her wrists were now blistered and her face and arms were covered in bruises. Ewan came back and handed him a flask of water.
    “Drink this,” he said as he held it up to her lips. She was only able to take small sips.
    “Here, my laird. Ye can use my plaid as well for the lass,” Angus offered with sympathy.
    “Thank ye.”
    Rory took the plaid from his hand and wrapped it around Annella. Keeping her in his arms, he planned on holding onto her the entire night if he had to. The men around them kept still and watched as Rory attended to her. They too felt bad for the lass. 
    “Ewan, I need ye to do me a favor. I dinna trust any other mon. I need ye to get to Dunakin as fast as ye can travel. I need ye to have my mother meet us at Dunstan. Annella is no’ good, and I fear that my mother’s healing skills may be the only thing that may help.”
    “Aye, my laird. I will leave at once.”
    “Thank ye, Ewan.” Rory offered him an appreciative smile.
    While the men set up tents and hunted for food, Rory gathered Annella in his arms and brought her inside one of the tents. Taking a wet cloth, he wiped her face down trying to keep her cool and comfortable as she slept. He raked his hand through his hair and placed his head in his hands. He had never felt so helpless before. With tears in his

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