He's on My Mind

Free He's on My Mind by Crystal Red

Book: He's on My Mind by Crystal Red Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Red
Not right now.” She rose to her feet. Her limbs
    Kelsey walked away, but he managed to
grab her by the arm when he went after her.
    “Hey.” He cupped her chin with a firm
hand. “What’s wrong? I won’t make you do anything you’re not ready for.”
    Her gaze shifted to the floor. “I like
you, Brandon, but with everything that’s happened…”
    “I know this isn’t going to be easy,
but don’t end it between us.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
    To his surprise, she laughed. “I just
meant I didn’t want to have sex yet. I don’t think I could end things between
us even if I wanted to, and trust me I don’t want to.” She laced her fingers
with his. “Besides, I’m horrible with break-ups.”
    “I actually am too.” He sighed,
swinging their hands. “When I dated Victoria, I danced around it until Chad
forced me to end things with her. She was ready for marriage and I wasn’t.
Looks as if she still isn’t taking it well.”
    Her expression softened. “I’m sorry you
had to go through that.”
    “I don’t know what she’s capable of.
She’s a witch and she could….shit, I don’t even want to think about it let alone
talk about the situation.”
    “So don’t.”
    How did she always know the right
thing to say? Hmm, a mini skirt. I bet this comes off easily. I wonder if
she goes commando.
    Her glare was hot enough to fry an
egg. “Are you going to keep thinking about me in such a sexual way all the
    “Hmm.” He tapped a finger to his lips.
“I’m a guy. So, yeah. Sorry.”
    Kelsey frowned. “I’m going home.”
    She put her back to him and walked
away without waiting for his reply. His heart climbed into his throat. Damn.
Did I just fuck it up again? How many times did he have to do that until he
got it through his thick skull? Women were sensitive, emotional creatures.
Maybe if he kept remembering the thought would sink in one day.
    * * * *
    As Kelsey entered her apartment, she
shuddered at the thought of how disgusting men could be. Even knowing she could
read his thoughts, he still thought about her in a sexual way. What the hell?
    She sighed. I guess you can’t blame
a guy for trying. He’s only human. Sort of.
    Maybe the animal in him couldn’t rest.
Obviously, it’d been a long time since he’d gotten laid, but still he could use
some manners in that department. What if it didn’t work out between them
because of that? She pushed the thought out of her mind. It’d be fine. Despite
Kelsey’s positive thoughts, her heart still swelled with pain.
    Once she entered the living room, she
found Beth on the loveseat, sobbing into her hands. She sat beside her friend
and placed a hand on her thigh.
    “At least you found out Steve was a
cheater before you guys got married.”
    Beth sniffled. “Yeah, but this still
doesn’t make the pain go away.”
    “Chad likes you.”
    Beth snorted. “Oh, please.”
    Kelsey blinked. What’s wrong with
Chad? At least he wasn’t a werewolf. Just a normal horny guy. Any man with a
penis thought about sex practically twenty-four/seven.
    “You don’t think Chad is hot?”
    Beth grabbed a tissue out of the
Kleenex box, which sat on the coffee table. “He may be hot, but he’s a guy.
They only think with their little brain.”
    “Tell me about it.” Kelsey lowered her
head and glanced at her feet. “Men suck.”
    Beth squeezed the edge of the cushion
of the loveseat. “What did Brandon do now?”
    “He…” She raised her head to look at
Beth. “Nothing. We just got carried away. It’s normal.”
    “If he tried to make you do something
you didn’t want to, you better let me know now. I will kick his ass. I’m not
afraid of him.”
    You should be.
    Kelsey shook her head. “I stopped us
from going too far. That’s all. I swear.”
    “That’s good and thanks.” Beth patted
her thigh.
    “Telling me the truth about Steve.”
Beth forced a smile. “I know I didn’t want to

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