The Playboy and the Single Mum (Vintage Love Book 2)

Free The Playboy and the Single Mum (Vintage Love Book 2) by Alexia Adams

Book: The Playboy and the Single Mum (Vintage Love Book 2) by Alexia Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Adams
coming home?”
    “Not for a long while, yet, sweets. Remember, we talked about this. Mummy has to take a long trip for work, but when I get back we’re going to have a holiday together.”
    “Can we go to Disneyland? I saw on the telly, that’s where Lighting Queen and Mater live.”
    “I’m not sure. Disneyland’s a long way away. We’ll discuss it when I get back. I love you oodles and oodles, Max. Sleep tight and we can chat longer tomorrow.” Out of the corner of her eye she could see Daniel with his arms crossed over his bare chest, taking in every nuance of her conversation.
    “I love you, too, Mummy. Sonia wants to say ’night as well.” He made a kissing face then handed the phone to her friend.
    Sonia stared at Lexy, a huge smile on her face. “Sorry if we’ve interrupted something. Max woke and was upset that he hadn’t said goodnight to you. I should have texted first.”
    “No, no, it’s fine.” Lexy ran a hand down her hair. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
    “Okay. Have fun.” There was a definite throaty chuckle from Sonia before the connection terminated.
    Lexy put down the phone and closed her eyes for a brief second. She sensed Daniel come to stand in front of her.
    “When were you going to tell me?” A muscle pulsed in his jaw.
    “I don’t know.”
    “Is this something you do? Were you hoping to get pregnant with my kid and then hit me up for child support? What’s the matter, your first baby daddy wasn’t rich enough?” The vile accusation spewed from the lips that had been bringing her pleasure only moments before.
    She leapt to her feet, forgetting she hadn’t fastened his shirt, which gapped open. “No! I’d never do that. How could you even think it?”
    “Trust me, cherie ”—she flinched at the disdainful way he said the endearment—“you wouldn’t be the first woman who’s tried that little game with me. And by your own admission your mother deliberately got pregnant to snare your father. Perhaps the plum hasn’t rolled so far from the orchard.”
    “How dare you. You know nothing about me.” She pulled the shirt tighter around her and crossed her arms over her chest.
    “ Apparemment . We have spent the past forty-eight hours together and not once have you mentioned that you have a child.”
    “Well, I do. A little boy named Max. He’s three years old and the love of my life.”
    “And his father?” So help her, if he kept looking down his nose at her like that, she’d punch him. He could show up for the race in Russia with a nice shiner, compliments of his “chaperone.”
    “Is out of my life. For good. And for your information, I never once asked him for a penny in child support.”
    “So where’s your son now?”
    “My friend Sonia is looking after him. The twenty thousand pounds Mr. Petersen mentioned is for child care.”
    “You left your son. For eight weeks. For twenty grand. What kind of mother are you?”
    She snapped. A red haze replaced his beautiful features. Not until Daniel held both her fists and sat her back down on the sofa did she realize she’d been repeatedly punching him on the chest.
    A rueful smile twisted up one corner of his mouth. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” There was a hint of remorse in his tone. Enough to deflate her anger.
    “I’ll tell you what kind of mother I am.” Tears now streamed down her face, landing on Daniel’s hands where they still held hers. “I’m a desperate one. It was either come with you, leaving Max behind, or lose my job. And I can’t afford that. I have nothing in savings to tide me over until I can get a new position. And my friend Sonia is looking after Max. She has a son the same age. And her husband just lost his job, so the money is really helping them out…” She couldn’t say any more as sobs wracked her body.
    Daniel pulled her against his chest. His hands ran up and down her back, his shirt no barrier to the comforting embrace. When she eventually quieted,

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