The Key to Paradise

Free The Key to Paradise by Kay Dillane

Book: The Key to Paradise by Kay Dillane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Dillane
the late nineteen forties and ran it until it closed. She lives in Miami Beach and wants to meet with any possible purchaser before naming a price.”
    “Why?” Landon’s brows were knit together in confusion.
    “Because she wants it reopened. She loved this place and she’s looking for someone to carry on her husband’s legacy.”
    I turned to Nana unable to hide my excited smile. If I could meet with this woman and talk to her, I might be able to convince her that I was the best woman for the job. Maybe this all was within my reach. The image of me sweeping through the restored lobby in a designer gown flashed through my mind.
    “When can I meet with her?”
    “I’ll call her when I get back to the office and set something up.”
    Mr. Roseman phoned me the next day to say I had an appointment with Mrs. Bannister, the current owner, the following Wednesday. As the days wore on my anxiousness built until it threatened to overtake me like a wave. There was no way I was going to be able to afford The Sea Watch even if Mrs. Bannister gave me a bargain basement price. I had expected the building to be decrepit, instead it was merely outdated. Landon had grudgingly conceded that there was nothing wrong with the bones of The Sea Watch. Any plumbing, electrical and structural improvements would be minor. That should have sounded like great news but I had been hoping that the building being in terrible condition would be my ultimate bargaining chip to make sure it was affordable.
    “I don’t even know why I’m going.” I said as I struggled to tame my curls into a neat bun. Every time I wrangled one strand into place another popped loose.
    “You’re going because you’re going to buy it, reopen it and let me hold the lifeguard try-outs.” Nana answered calmly applying another liberal spray of Aqua Net.
    “I can’t afford it.”
    “Dave Sundersen gave you a great loan.”
    It was true, Lily had come through on her promises and managed to strong arm a sizeable small business loan out of the bank. I had seen her out at breakfast the morning of my appointment with a small shrewish old woman with bright red curls and eyebrows that looked like they had been drawn on with a crayon. No doubt the mother of the unfortunate Dave Sundersen. Lily had tipped me a wink and gave me a thumbs up under the table.
    I had walked into the meeting feeling like maybe breakfast hadn’t been such a good idea. The short stack of pancakes were threatening to stage a full blown rebellion in my belly. The one thing that made me feel better was that Dave looked even worse than I did. Even though it was only nine thirty in the morning his tie was loose around his neck and his hair was rumpled as if he had repeatedly run his fingers through it.
    “Olivia, welcome.” He said rising and shaking my hand. His eyes a kinder blue version of the icy ones I had seen on his mother that morning. I felt a small twinge of guilt when I was signing the papers for the generous loan. I wasn’t used to coercing kind, middle aged men with tattling on them to their mother but it all seemed worth it with the money in my account. Now with my meeting with Mrs. Bannister looming that old familiar nervousness had returned.
    “Get your shoes on, we’ve got at least a three hour drive ahead of us.” Nana said ushering me around and gathering her things. She had managed to dig a powder blue polyester suit out of the depths of her closet complete with zippered jacket and matching floral blouse. I tried not to look at it too long so it didn’t sear itself on my retinas. Velcro orthopedic shoes completed the ensemble.
    My own suit was the best I could find at the limited selection at Beall’s. I guess ladies’ business wear was not a big seller in Tamarind Key. The vast majority of the selection would have looked perfectly at home on the set of Working Girl. I had to settle for the one with the smallest shoulder pads.
    “It doesn’t matter what I look like, I’m

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