The Billionaire's Intern

Free The Billionaire's Intern by Lexi Lucia

Book: The Billionaire's Intern by Lexi Lucia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Lucia
The piercing call of the alarm penetrated my fitful dreams. As I groggily hit the button and started to come to life, I realised with a thrill that the big day was finally here. It was the first day of my internship at Steelcorp and I was racked with nerves.
    In all honesty, the cut-throat world of business wasn't an environment that came naturally to me. Left to my own devices, I wanted to be an actress. I loved the feeling of losing myself in the moment, shedding my personality and trying on another for size. But my parents wanted me to have a solid career and a reliable income. So, big-business interning it was to be.
    As I dragged myself to the shower and turned the water on, my phone buzzed. A text from the guy I'd been casually dating, Tyler, wishing me good luck. Good luck! It wasn't good luck I wanted from Tyler, it was a good fuck. He was a nice boy, but shy, and my signals that I wanted to take the relationship further didn't seem to be getting through to him....
    I stepped into the hot stream of water and began to soap myself. As I did, I wondered what it would be like to have a man explore my body, and do all the things I couldn't do to myself. To kiss and lick my nipples, and to use his tongue in that hot, wet, secret place between my legs.
    I slid a finger between my moist folds and found the sweet spot. As I rubbed it gently, I imagined what it might be like to handle a cock. I'd seen porn, but that doesn't tell you what it feels like to run your hands over that swollen member, to take it in your mouth and between your legs...
    My breath shortened as my fingers worked quicker. I could feel my own juices mixing with the hot jet of water, as the throbbing, sweet ache between my thighs intensified and pulsated. Gasping, I felt the explosion of pleasure as I reached my climax.
    The warm afterglow of release flooded through me, and I resolved to overcome Tyler's shyness and encourage him to take me. He was picking me up after work, so that we could celebrate my first day. With this in mind, I dressed accordingly.
    The delicate white blouse that I chose was slightly sheerer than my usual wear, just enough that a careful observer could see the filmy lace of  my expensive new bra. The skirt, too, was ever so slightly more fitted, and if I leaned over, it clung to my curves and gave a hint of the matching panties. I looked in the mirror – still a professional   image overall, but with a secret sexiness that was just for me.

As Orientation Morning unfolded, a sick feeling lodged in the pit of my stomach. It was becoming very clear that I was way out of my depth. The other interns were all so much more experienced and confident. They talked fast, loudly and over each other, clamouring to be heard. Acronyms and terms I'd never heard of were bandied about.
    I looked desperately to see if anyone else seemed as lost as I was, but none of them looked nervous or unsure. Intimidated, I became quieter and quieter in the group sessions, hoping to fade into the background and go unnoticed.
    But, after a solitary lunch in the break room, the session leader pulled me aside and asked me to report to the top floor. Nobody else was spoken to, so it could only mean one thing. I was going to be canned half way through my first day.
    I blinked back tears as the elevator glided smoothly up, imagining the look of weary disappointment on my parent's faces when I told them. The tears nearly turned to sobs when I remembered the theatre job that I'd turned down in order to take this internship.
    Stepping out of the elevator, I tried to regain my composure. There was a nameplate on the imposing double doors in front of me – Michael Steel. What? Michael Steel was the founder of Steelcorp, and the darling of the tabloid gossip pages. A self-made billionaire, he was famous for being utterly ruthless in business, and a jet-setting playboy in his personal life. He was often photographed lounging on

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