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Book: GoldLust by Sky Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Robinson
then he slammed into her in one long stroke, holding his
cock deep inside. Every muscle tensed around it.
    He pulled out, leaving her empty for just a second before
plunging in hard and fast again.
    Emma adjusted her hands on the tree trunk, held on tight as
James slammed into her again and again, his thrusts bringing her higher and
higher until she couldn’t focus on anything. The forest around her became one
big blur.
    James pinched both her nipples as he thrust into her again.
    It was so intense, too much to take as the pleasure erupted
inside her. Her entire body tensed as the waves rolled through her.
    James groaned, slammed into her one more time and held his
cock deep inside her as his heat shot into her depths. His hands were still on
her breasts, holding each one solidly as his body shook again, emptied itself
and then finally relaxed.
    “Touching you, doing this feels so right.” His words were
slow, relaxed.
    “Ummhmm.” she agreed, but there was more to consider than
what felt right. She needed to consider her future, and as much as her body
wanted, James wouldn’t be a part of it. Not for much longer anyway.
    She needed to move on, stop living this dream. There was no
gold. There was no reason for her to stay any longer.
    “This friendship thing is working out very well.” His voice
showed his contentment with their situation, but her stomach turned.
    He didn’t feel the same way she did. He didn’t need anything
more than this and she shouldn’t want anything more from a man like James. She
had to stay away from him to keep any sensibility. Her life couldn’t continue
like this. Something had to change.

Chapter Nine
    The next evening Opal and Emma sat in chairs at opposite
ends of the living room, each with a book in hand. It was a comfortable
situation. An unexpected one too. If someone had told Emma three months ago
she’d be sitting and reading in the same room as a prostitute, she would have
laughed at them.
    Emma looked up to see Kate bounce through the doorway, a
smile beaming from ear to ear.
    “What happened to you?” Kate was such a sweet girl, and Emma
was glad to see a smile on her face and a bounce in her step again.
    “Just finished another great day at work.” She grinned and
it was obvious that there was something other than just work going on between
Kate and Carter, the man who ran the hardware store, but Emma wasn’t going to
say anything. Kate would talk about it when she was ready. “I’m just going to
freshen up a little bit and then go back to Carter’s house.”
    “Have fun.” Emma said, and meant it. Kate was a sweet girl,
and she deserved happiness.
    Several minutes later Kate bounced back down the stairs and
out the door.
    Emma and Opal sat alone in the quiet of the house. Not for
long though, because Opal’s customers would start coming soon. Emma would
retreat into her bedroom and put cotton in her ears to drown out the noise. She
didn’t want anything reminding her of James and the pleasure touching him could
bring. She couldn’t have that, couldn’t keep him any longer.
    “What are you going to do when the summer ends?” Emma said,
not wanting to think about the future, but she couldn’t go on much longer
without some sort of plan. She had enough money to either last through the
winter or move. She couldn’t deceive herself any longer. The smart thing would
be to make a change while the town was still booming, get out while the getting
was good.
    “I haven’t really thought about it yet.” Opal marked the
page in her book and set it down. “I’ll probably stick around here, got nowhere
else I need to be. What about you?”
    Emma thought for a minute, but she knew what she had to do.
“I’m going to have to leave. I’ve spent enough time and money on this dream.
It’s time to let it go.” She could hear the disappointment in her voice even
though she tried to hide it.
    Her comment must have piqued Opal’s interest because the
woman now

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