
Free GoldLust by Sky Robinson

Book: GoldLust by Sky Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Robinson
ground. She didn’t fight it, didn’t resist the one thing she truly wanted
at this moment in time.
    He quickly slipped her shirt off her shoulders and removed
her undergarments so she was standing there completely naked, with just the
warmth of the sun on her skin.
    James took a step back, let his eyes drift down her body. It
made her feel a little self-conscious, but the way his eyes narrowed, showing
his appreciation at seeing her in all her naked glory, made that go away. And
it was replaced by pure lust.
    “You, sir, have way too many clothes on.” Emma didn’t know
why she called him sir. She didn’t like the power the word gave a man. But
calling him that right now didn’t seem to take anything away from her. He only
had as much power as she gave him, and he used that power in so many
pleasurable ways, she didn’t mind giving it to him.
    “I think you may be right.” He chuckled and worked to undo
his pants as Emma tugged his shirt up and over his head until he was standing
in front of her in all his naked masculine glory. Muscles over muscles flexed
with every movement.
    “I usually am.” She said the words and then cringed. There
was one big thing she hadn’t been right about. The gold.
    “There are more important things than being right.” He
grabbed her hand and placed it on his cock. She let her fingers run down the
thick, veined length of James, let her fingers sink into the coarse hair around
his balls and rolled them in her hand the way she knew drove him crazy.
    “What is more important than being right?” She wanted to
know where his priorities lay, wanted to know everything about James.
    “Being beautiful.” He kissed her shoulder, nipping at her
skin lightly with his teeth. “And smart.”
    James moved his kisses downward, to her breasts, circling
one nipple with his tongue and then sucking it into his mouth.
    She shouldn’t like it so much that he thought she was
beautiful, shouldn’t care that he liked that she was smart. This was only
supposed to be a physical relationship and a friendship, but it felt like so
much more than that now.
    “And you’re the strongest goddamn woman I know.” He said the
words with a groan as she stroked his cock again, but did he realize the
torment they caused her? Did he know that she was falling in love with him?
That every time he touched her she fell deeper into this swirling abyss where
love and pleasure collided? Did he feel the same way, or still see them as just
    James moved his mouth over to torment her other nipple,
circling it and then sucking it solidly into the heat and wetness of his mouth.
    Her quim throbbed for him, needed his cock. Again. Now.
    James moved back up and his mouth ravaged hers, hungry,
needy, mirroring everything she felt for him. He pushed her backward as he
kissed her until she was pressed against the rough bark of a tree.
    “Turn around,” he commanded.
    Emma did and put her hands against the tree to steady
    “That’s right. You’re probably going to need to hang on.”
James wrapped his arms around her so he could grasp a breast in each one. He
squeezed the soft flesh and tugged at her nipples until the pleasure and pain
were so intermingled she couldn’t tell which was which, couldn’t tell which was
causing the wetness to rush to her opening. But it didn’t really matter.
    Emma couldn’t think about what was right or good or smart
when he kissed her, when he touched her like this. All she could focus on was
the need, just below the surface, and too strong to resist.
    “Mmmmm.” Her moan echoed in the woods around them but she
didn’t care. There was no one around to hear.
    James spread her legs, readying her for his cock. He rubbed
his length against her ass and she pressed against him, needing more, needing
his cock pounding into her hard and fast. Now.
    He placed his cock at her entrance. She was so wet, so ready
for him, every inch of skin on her body tingled in anticipation.

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