The Babet & Prosper Collection I: One Less Warlock, Magrat's Dagger, A Different Undead, and Bad Juju

Free The Babet & Prosper Collection I: One Less Warlock, Magrat's Dagger, A Different Undead, and Bad Juju by Judith Post

Book: The Babet & Prosper Collection I: One Less Warlock, Magrat's Dagger, A Different Undead, and Bad Juju by Judith Post Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Post
Tags: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Witches, Voodoo, demons, shifters, shapeshifters, necromancer
you too.”
    “A binding spell will work for now,” Gazaar
said, “but it won’t hold Jaleel once I take him back to his
    “We can magick bars over his pit that he
can’t pass,” Mom added. “Actually, you’ll have to. We can’t visit
your world and leave again. I’ll teach you the spell.”
    Gazaar nodded, satisfied. “Then let’s find
our demon before he makes his next move.”
    Shoulders squared, the witches rose as one
and started for the cars they’d parked at the curb. Babet hastily
ran upstairs and carried down a blanket for Prosper. No use
worrying about it now. He’d probably shift to his Were form again
soon, but when their battle was finished, he might want more than a
sweater that left his ass uncovered. A great ass, but she’d rather
not share.
    Morgana started for the door, but Babet shook
her head. “It isn’t safe for you. I want you to stay here.”
    The snake curled around Prosper’s leg,
ignoring her. Prosper grinned. “No one likes sitting and waiting.
She’s your familiar. She wants to be with you.”
    This time, Babet didn’t argue. She’d hurt the
snake’s feelings when she locked her in the car.
    Tourists jammed the sidewalks on Magic
Street, wandering in and out of shops, so the witches gathered in
the small lot behind the store. They formed a circle and started to
chant. A vapor formed for them to follow. Once in their cars, they
set off after it. Mom and Gazaar took the lead with Prosper and
Babet—along with Morgana—at the rear of the caravan. This time,
they drove toward the river, and it didn’t take long before Babet
recognized where they were going. To Settlers Park. Probably
Magrat’s grave.
    Babet could swear the trees leaned toward
them, reaching to encourage them, as they followed the river to the
park. Leaves shivered, as though afraid for them. Babet wished
Jaleel had fled to a different spot, but why would he? Old blood
soaked the soil on the banks by the cypress. This was probably the
first spot that welcomed Jaleel when the voodoo priest called
energy to him. This was probably where the demon made his first
kill, destroying one of the people who brought him here. He’d try
to destroy Evangeline too. They’d have to take care to keep her
    Prosper parked beside her mother’s car in the
small, asphalt lot for visitors. The other witches were all
gathered, waiting. Morgana shoved through the door the minute Babet
opened it. She wrapped herself around Babet’s leg, tightening her
grip so that Babet couldn’t pry her off.
    “We could die here, you know.” Babet tried to
reason with her familiar.
    Morgana turned her head, unswayed.
    When they reached the coven, Babet frowned at
Evangeline. “Did you learn both spells?”
    Her voice sounded harsher than she meant it
to. “Don’t leave the others,” she warned. “You’re on Jaleel’s list,
too, so be careful.”
    Evangeline gave a grim smile. “As careful as
you are?”
    “That’s different.”
    “I drain energy too.” Evangeline turned her
head as more cars filled empty parking places. Her mother and most
of the women from the settlement came to join them.
    For once, Gazaar was caught off guard. His
face showed it. Nadine tilted her head, studying him. “You’re the
    Her father nodded.
    “You don’t mind it when we claim energy from
the newly departed, do you?”
    “It has to go somewhere. You use it wisely.
That’s all that matters.”
    “Good, then we can be allies.” Nadine went to
join the witches. Her friends held back. When Nadine started down
the path toward the river banks, they trailed along.Jaleel rested,
his spine pressed against the tall cypress. When he heard them, his
head snapped up, but before he could switch forms, the witches
began their chant with Evangeline joining in. Jaleel’s arms had
turned to speckles of energy, but the witches’ words made them
solid again. His body jerked, his cells wanting to change, but

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