
Free Essentia by Ninana Howard

Book: Essentia by Ninana Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ninana Howard
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will not run away, and I will stay by your side no matter how farfetched what you tell me is. I trust you Enre. I don't know why I do. But my gut and my heart agree with me. My mind might take some convincing" I snicker at the last part and give him a smile.
        Instantly, he wraps me in his arms and holds me like he is never going to let me go. Really how bad can it be? What are they going to do? Tell me, that they are aliens or something. If so, they are the hottest aliens I have ever seen. Not that I have ever seen any that is. I almost laugh out loud, But I stifle it before it can surface. We walk back over to where the sitting area is and I sit in a big overstuffed chair that Enre and I were sitting in earlier. Enre is in the matching one.
        We wait for the other two guys to join us, they are in there getting us something to drink. When they come in and sit and hand us our drinks Thane says "So where do we begin?" Looking around at us all.
        Enre said "You might want to go with the big one, to start with Brother" The big one? Huh, I wonder what the big one is?
        Just as I think this, Thane says very bluntly "Enre is The Crown Prince of Aelmere." Nothing could have prepared me for what I just heard.
         With a look of shock apparent on my face, I say "What? A Prince? Really? Wait so you're a Prince too?" That would only make sense, Thane being one too. I mean they are brothers.
        Enre says "Well she took that unusually well. Yes, I am a Prince." Bowing his head to me. So I have been hanging out with a Prince. It's kinda hard to believe.
        "You're a Prince to right, since you are Brothers?" I ask Thane. Not really wrapping my mind around this situation yet.
        He looks at me for a minute and says "No My Lady. My real name is Thegan Erinhall Arthfael, and I am the King of Realm of Aelmere. My apologies for giving you a fake name." My jaw hit the floor. King? What? Mmm... Ok, I got this. It's not so bad. So that's why they talk like that and have unusually good manners. There just royalty... Don't freak out Terra, stay calm. I tell myself.
        "My lady? Are you ok?" Enre asked. No, I am most defiantly not ok. I am freaking out a little. I calm myself down some. I promised I would listen.
         "Oh, Yes I am ok." trying to sound collected. "So that's why everyone has been calling you 'My Lord.' And here I have been calling you guys by your first names" I put my hand on my forehead. "So My Lords, Your Highnesses. Whatever I am supposed to call you now?" Royal hot guys, pops in my head. I had to shake my head to get that thought to go away.
        They all laugh and Thegan answers my question "Just as you have been My lady." I don't know how I feel about that, knowing that they are Royalty now.
        Enre asks me "Are you not going to ask where Aelmere is My Lady?" Come to think of it. I don't think I have ever heard of Aelmere.
        "Ok Enre, where is Aelmere?" I ask him since he brought it up.
        He looks at me for a second, then starts to speak. "First, do you believe different dimensions can exist?". Hmm? I have never really thought about the possibility of other dimensions.
        "I guess it could be possible. Don't tell me you guys are aliens. It may take me a minute to process that one."
        They all laugh at my alien statement. Enre continues "We are not aliens in the way you are thinking My lady, but we do come from a different realm. Where my brother is, King and I am Prince." Waiting for a moment to judge my reaction. "What I say is the truth, My lady." A different realm? Well I mean, I guess it could be possible. I mean this can't be the only place that has life. My old college professor believed in alternate dimensions, so what they say may be true.
        I don't have a bad feeling about what they claim. So I say to him kinda bluntly. "Ok, so if you guys are from a different realm then why are you here?" There has to be a reason. Vacation maybe?

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