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Book: Essentia by Ninana Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ninana Howard
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Having to stop a laugh from escaping lips.
        "You believe us?" Thegan asks looking stunned. I honestly don't know for sure if I believe them or not, but what the hell. Why not.
        I turn to say to him, "Until you give me a reason to not believe you, I have no reason not to right." Hoping that I make the right decision.
        He looked relieved, his expression relaxing. He then says "Thank you for trying to understand this My lady. I know it may be hard.  I ensure you that what we are telling you is the truth".
        Enre then began to speak in a tone that was a little unsure "That part of our story is probably the easiest to explain. The next part you will have to see." Looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't be scared my lady" ok now he is starting to freak me out a little. "You go first Thegan," Enre says.
         "Alright, Brother. My lady, what you are about to see, cannot be spoken outside of this room. You have to promise to keep our secret till your dying breath. It's only for the safety of our family and our people that I ask this." What could he possibly be talking about?
        I look at him and say "Of course, I promise" I don't know what is coming, but my nerves are standing on end.
        Thegan then says "Alright watch carefully, My lady." He gave me a smile. He held his hand out and took a deep breath. Then in a flash, there was a tiny flame dancing up his arm. Flickering back and forth.
        "What the hell is that?" I bend closer to him, and it starts to dance around more. That's awesome, are you controlling it?" I ask. Watching it glide up and down his arm.
        "Yes, it is called Essence. It is a power our family has control over. We will explain more about that at another time My Lady" Thegan said.
        I look over at Enre, and he has a smile on his face "Can you control fire too?" Thinking to myself, I knew they was hot, but this is not what I had in mind.
        Instead of answering me he holds out his hand and a globe of water forms in his palm. He makes it change form, Turning it into a heart. He then grins at me and says "Not exactly, my power is over water." I smile really wide at him, and he winks at me.
        I look at Aiden, and he waves his hand in the air and all of a sudden a breeze flips my hair up and swirls it around. I grin at him and say "It is amazing that you guys can do that." The most amazing thing I have ever seen to be exact.
        Enre looks at me and says "You’re not scared of us?" looking surprised. I should be, but I'm not.
        "No, not at all, I was surprised at first, but I think it is fascinating" I gleam a bright smile at them all. You can tell they all relax some.
        Soon the smiles are gone, and Thane says, "Now to the hard part of our story" It takes a long time, but they did what they promised me. They told me the entire thing. About Ivar, the book, what happened to their family. The death and the state of the Realm.
        Tears drops start to slide down my cheeks, and Enre asks me "Are you alright My Lady?" No, I'm not. The thought of those people dying is hard to take.
        I look at all of them and say, "I am so sorry you all have had to endure such hardships and loss. It saddens my heart to think you all have been through so much" Enre then comes over and picks me up and sits me in his lap, he the wipes my tears away. And says "My lady, most of that is in the past, no need to shed tears over something that cannot be changed. I am just so relieved to know, that all this doesn't scare you away." It should scare me away. Not knowing what's going to happen next.  "I can assure you, My Lady, that we will make it right with you and save our people. I just pray that you will stay by my side. Even though I do not have the right to ask you to stay after what has happened."
        I know all of this is going to be hard, but in my heart, I believe that I am supposed to be here. That I have a role to play somehow. I was

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