Luna Tango

Free Luna Tango by Alli Sinclair

Book: Luna Tango by Alli Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alli Sinclair
desire in her to do so. She must trust the leader at all times and the leader must deal with her reality and he should adjust his movements for her.’
    â€˜I thought it was a macho dance.’
    â€˜No. This is why you have much to learn.’
    â€˜Fabulous.’ She’d spent the day alternating between false bravado and pure panic about dancing tango again.
    â€˜You will learn.’ He smiled, giving her confidence. ‘The follower must surrender one’s need for self-preservation and allow the leader to take control.’
    â€˜So it is a macho dance! And that contradicts what you said before.’
    â€˜Tango, like love—’
    â€˜Is complicated. Got it, but know this, I will only follow the male because it is a dance, not real life. I have not, nor will I ever, let a man tell me what to do. Women have their own brains and we can survive quite well without men if we choose.’ She wanted to add a childish ‘So there’, but resisted.
    â€˜You have finished with your ladies’ freedom speech, yes? Or shall I wait for you to get it out of your system? Remember, we have not got all the night.’
    â€˜I’m done.’ For now .
    â€˜Venting is cathartic, no? But please refrain from doing this when I am teaching.’ He cleared his throat again. ‘It is important for the leader to make sure the follower feels safe because if she does not, she will not reach a state of meditation and this would be very sad.’
    â€˜Are you talking about a Tango Nirvana?’
    â€˜Yes. It is called entrega and is the Holy Grail of tango. It is a Holy Trinity, in fact. It is when two dancers meld perfectly into one and their moves and souls are entwined with the music, they create a moment of magic. Of course, it cannot last forever, but once it is glimpsed, the dancers search for it with desperation. Unfortunately, most never find it again.’
    â€˜It sounds like you’re talking about love.’
    â€˜Love?’ His eyebrows shot so high they nearly collided with his hairline. ‘Pfft. Daniela, please do not get us distracted. The next rule of tango is about discretion. Yes, there is passion but it is a conversation between the man and woman. It is not an open discussion for the world to see.’
    â€˜No groping on the dance floor, eh?’
    â€˜What is this “groping”?’
    â€˜When someone feels—Oh, never mind. Okay, closed conversation. Got it.’
    He rubbed his thumb and forefinger against his chin. ‘We move on to the next rule—your expression. You must be serious and your face should convey the power of the emotions of the dance. No smiling.’
    â€˜I need to know all this before we get on the dance floor?’
    â€˜There is more—’
    â€˜I am sorry for my absence.’ A slight sheen of perspiration shone on Gualberto’s forehead. ‘It is good to meet with old friends, no?’
    â€˜Yes, it is,’ she said.
    â€˜Enough chit-chatting. You cannot be a wall flower,’ said Carlos, nudging her leg with his cane. ‘You have questions you want to ask, sí ? Time to get busy.’
    â€˜Has the theory part finished? Are you going to teach me some real moves?’ So I don’t get done for assault and battery?
    â€˜My leg, it hurts tonight. Gualberto will show you. I have taught him everything he knows.’
    His cousin grinned and shrugged his shoulders. A small wave of relief swept over Dani. Even though she hadn’t yet danced with Carlos, she got the distinct impression it would not be a walk in the park. More than likely it’d be a crawl across broken glass.
    â€˜Rightio.’ She stood and held out her hand to Gualberto, who remained seated. ‘What? You’ve changed your mind?’
    â€˜Sit.’ Carlos grumbled.
    â€˜Why?’ She placed fists on her hips.
    â€˜Sit down,’ he said with more force.
    â€˜Don’t use that tone with

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