The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2)

Free The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2) by A. Giannoccaro

Book: The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2) by A. Giannoccaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Giannoccaro
hope whatever I do doesn’t require running, because I don’t think my legs will move that quickly. I walk down a small passageway until a short metal door greets me. I take several keys out, trying a few until I find one that unlocks the door. The brutal sunlight shines down on my face, blinding my eyes and making it difficult to see. I nearly fall back onto my naked ass, taking a second to balance myself and let the unwavering heat warm my broken body. I place my arms out like I am being victimized alive, letting my bare nipples feel the hot temperature. I was never sure of God before, merely hearing the crazy people panhandling the streets talking about how they found Jesus. I think this is about as close to heaven as I will ever get, feeling the liberation of being free on my own accord. I close my eyes, reveling in this moment that I have. The very first time in my life that I have fought for something.
    And won.
    I was not saved this time. No. I made the bad guy pay. I killed him and sent him to his own hell where he is paying for the terrible things he has done. I let a smile grace my battered face as these thoughts swarm my mind. Thoughts that are as close to heaven as I will get. I hear nothing in the background except pure peace, something that I have never experienced before. My ears are fulfilled as magic surrounds me, letting me know that I am the one in control of my own destiny.
    The cards I have been dealt are not the way that my life has to go.
    Life can change in a fraction of a second. Moments of decency can be murdered by another beast set on sucking the only amount of life you have left.
    “Oye pequeña, deja te ayudó.” A thick Spanish accent calls out to me.
    Hey little girl, let me help.
    I open my eyes to see a handsome, twenty-something year-old Hispanic man dressed in slacks and a short-sleeved black dress top that buttons down the middle. His hair is short, almost bald, and his features are rough. Both arms are covered in tattoos, making me remember Mateo. Oh, Mateo. Where are you and why won’t you save me ? He smiles at me, but it isn’t a friendly smile. The type of grin he just offered tells me that he is about to take something of mine, even if I don’t want to give it up. I want so badly to offer him a return, but something has my tongue muted, and I don’t think it is my weakness or the elements I have just suffered. He gives me another wider smug smile, looking my body up and down as if he is studying it for his next experiment. He moves his black shirt up to expose a silver, shiny gun and my heart drops.
    So much for thinking I could save myself.
    He pulls a cellphone out of his pocket, all while I remain still. Running would be stupid and make my situation much worse. I can spot the bad guys from miles away. They like little girls who play by the rules, and I am making the decision to do that…
    For now.
    “Se ve como de dieciséis, sucia asta la chingada y huele a mierda. Necesitrará un buen baño y afeitada.” The unknown man spouts off in Spanish. I wish I knew what the hell he was saying. I know it’s about me.
    She looks about sixteen, dirty as fuck and smells like shit. She’ll need a bath and a good shave.
    He smiles to me as the person on the other end of the line speak back to him. He hangs up, taking a step closer to inspect, from what I can see, my tits because his eyes are set on them. I gulp hard, trying to understand what is about to happen. Based on my knowledge from the city life back home, it’s something that I am not willing to come to terms with. I am about to be taken by this asshole, and more than likely pimped out.
    The unknown man takes a step back, bringing his hand to his nose. If I wasn’t so used to that gesture from my previous times in Hunts Point, I would be offended, but when you are locked up in a cell for God knows how long, what else do you expect?
    A beat up white van comes up behind him. I have the urge to scream, but something is

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