For Love Alone

Free For Love Alone by Shirlee Busbee

Book: For Love Alone by Shirlee Busbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirlee Busbee
Tags: Romance
questionable reputation. Roxbury has had his own men watching them for the past several months, but so far they have turned up nothing overtly suspicious.” Ives grinned like a tiger. “We, of course, shall do much better.” He handed the list to Ashby, who was seated nearest to him.
    Ives did not have to read the list to know the names on it. They were burned on his brain, and mentally he ticked them off as the list was passed around to his men: William, Lord Grimshaw; Richard, Lord Coleman; and Etienne Marquette.
    Two Englishmen and one Frenchman.
    â€œAre we the only ones who know about this, sir?” asked Sanderson.
    â€œYes, and I want it to stay that way. That, incidentally, is an order.”
    â€œSo,” began Ogden, uneasily rubbing his bald head, “how do you want to proceed, sir? Begging your pardon, but seems to me that you should be the one doing the investigating. It is not very likely that any of us could walk smash up to any of these gentlemen and just start a casual conversation. We ain’t exactly born to the manor.” He grinned, revealing his broken and missing teeth.
    There was a general laugh and Ives said, “Your point is well taken, Ogden. I will deal with the gentlemen themselves. That is one of the reasons Roxbury laid the problem before me—his men could only watch from the fringes. Your part will be to discover everything that you can from their servants and tradesmen and the like. You will probably be duplicating Roxbury’s efforts, but I prefer to start afresh. Once we have gathered the general information, you will proceed to make friends with the servants, and former servants.” He sent them a cynical look. “It is common knowledge that if you want to know anything disreputable about a gentleman, all you have to do is ask his servants, especially those who have left his employ.”
    â€œWhat about the lieutenant, sir? Is he going to help you with the others?” Ashby asked worriedly. “Seems to me you need some help. Three to one is not odds that I like.”
    â€œForrest? More than likely I shall bring him in on this, but until I tell you differently, assume that we are the only ones who know about our friend, the Fox, and this list. You may decide amongst yourselves who is going to infiltrate which household. And do not forget to watch your backs.”
    The men nodded and started to rise, but Ives stopped them. “Remember, we must arouse no suspicions. On the surface, keep up your daily routines and carry on as usual.” Ives smiled faintly. “I will, of course, understand the occasional dereliction of duty—provided you have some useful information for me when you return.”
    Alone in his study once more, Ives sat back down and studied the list. Lord Grimshaw’s inclusion had not been so surprising. After all, he had been the instigator of the wager that had sent the Harrington men to sea in the first place.
    It was interesting to note, Ives thought, as his gaze slid down the paper, that he had just met Lord Coleman last night . . . and in the company of the fascinating little golden butterfly. Was she involved? he wondered. Might she know something? He doubted it, but it would be enjoyable to combine a little pleasure with the business at hand. Very soon, he decided with an odd twist in his gut, he would make certain his path crossed that of Lady Marlowe.
    Sophy did not know whether to be pleased or disappointed when the day following the Dennings’ at home brought no sign of Lord Harrington. She had half expected that he would call, and she told herself firmly she was very glad that he had not.
    All in all, she had spent an enjoyable day. One of her few favorites amongst Simon’s friends, Henry Dewhurst, had taken her and Phoebe for a drive in the park. Phoebe had thoroughly enjoyed it, her big golden eyes glowing with delight at the sights of all the fashionably dressed ladies and

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