The Imaginary Gentleman

Free The Imaginary Gentleman by Helen Halstead

Book: The Imaginary Gentleman by Helen Halstead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Halstead
her maid. “Elspeth spoke in anger. Yet, I cannot lie to you, Laura; I do doubt your judgement just now.”
    She felt more than shock, for a lonely desolate feeling filled her. If she lost his trust, then that particular friendship she had long had with him was gone with it.
    â€œEdward …” She could not speak, her throat filled with tears. He kissed her cheek with a kindness she could hardly bear. Briskly, he said, “This is a momentary difficulty and will pass when we leave thisplace and immerse ourselves in the comfortable and familiar world of Oakmont.”
    He rose and smiled, adopting an air of forced jauntiness that only emphasised her aloneness.
    â€œTry to sleep, my dear Laura. You will feel very differently tomorrow.”
    He left the room.
    Aching in her limbs as much as her heart, Laura crept down under the covers. Moments later, she heard the door being opened with exaggerated care, and the hissing of Elspeth’s silk gown as it slipped across the floor.
    â€œDarling Laura!” she whispered. Laura kept her eyes closed, breathing quietly and slowly.
    Laura listened as her sister tiptoed out and let out her breath in relief as the door closed. She started up at the sound of the key turning in the lock.

    C APTAIN M ORRISON SAT BY THE fire, thinking over his promise to aid young Tom. To involve the parish constable was out of the question, he thought. What could he gain by involving others, spreading knowledge of the whole affair? The brutal treatment of such a boy—plainly a stranger to respectable conduct—could have no connection with a lady such as Laura. He stared into the flames. Never could he have predicted such irregular behaviour in his sister.
    â€œIt was a mistake to come to this small place,” said Elspeth. “It is so dull just now.”
    â€œWhat!” he said. “How does the season influence matters?”
    â€œIf there were visitors of my own standing, I may have been able to rally myself, and Laura would not have gone out alone.”
    â€œYou stayed indoors because the society out of doors did not tempt you?”
    â€œI did have a cold, Edward. I don’t ask for so much—a private party, an elegant little dinner—suitable entertainments for a lady in my situation. My health collapses when my spirits fall.”
    â€œLet us be thankful you are faced by no greater trials, then.”
    Elspeth did not reply.
    Edward thought of Tom again—he would consult a medical man to assist the boy as an act of charity. Before dinner, Edward sent his servant to find the surgeon, requesting that they meet as early as may be.
    Before breakfast the next day, the captain met the local surgeon, Mr. Deare, in a small sitting room on the ground floor of the inn. He saw at once that here was a practical man, on whom he could rely to deal with the facts unadorned with superfluous niceties. Wasting no time, Edward told a simplified tale of events concerning the lad.
    â€œA lady of my acquaintance encountered a young fisher-lad in the course of her walks. His name in the town, it appears, is ‘Sassy Tom’.”
    The surgeon laughed, saying, “Did he convince the lady that she must rescue him from some disaster?”
    â€œWhy, yes!” said Edward. “She became so concerned for the boy that she went into Fish Alley to find him.”
    The surgeon shook his head. “That part of the town is no place for a lady.”
    â€œThe lady has passed her life almost entirely in country villages, where the cottagers regard her with great respect.”
    Surgeon Deare shook his head and tutted. “Some of the fisher folk are a different case altogether.”
    â€œIndeed. She discovered that the young lad has been most severely beaten.”
    Edward saw how Deare all but groaned as he said, “’Tis not the first time that young Tom’s impudence earned him a thrashing.”
    â€œBut his leg

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