Intimate Betrayal

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Book: Intimate Betrayal by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
so deep it tickled her ankles when she walked. She crossed the room and twisted the gold knob of the door.
    Her breath caught in her throat. A huge canopy bed of eggshell white demanded her immediate attention. Along the canopy’s posters, white diaphanous fabric was dramatically draped. She smiled. Maxwell Knight certainly knew how to do things with panache.
    Reese quickly tucked her suitcase and garment bag in the walk-in closet. She’d unpack later. She unzipped her garment bag and retrieved a pale peach suit of clinging rayon and silk. From another zippered compartment she took out a matching pair of low-heeled sandals. In record time, she’d changed clothes, repaired her minimal makeup, and tucked in some stray strands of hair.
    Satisfied with her transformation, she grabbed her purse and briefcase and headed out of the suite. As soon as she stepped off of the elevator, she spotted the unmistakable figure of Maxwell pacing among the lobby crowd. For a moment, a rush of electricity whizzed through her, and she stood still as an Egyptian statue. To watch him, unobserved, was to see raw energy barely contained beneath bone and sinew. What would it be like to unleash that energy, to see it reach its apex? How would she ever find the words to convey to the reader what was almost mystical, something that hadto be experienced—not explained—especially now when her emotions were beginning to cloud her judgment?
    It was as if he sensed her presence, like a jungle cat becoming aware of a predator. He turned, not his whole body, just his head and looked straight at her with those incredible eyes.
    The sudden contact caused Reese’s heart to slam mercilessly in her chest. There was no mistake. What she saw in his eyes was pure, unadulterated hunger.
    The current that snapped back and forth between them was broken when Carmen approached Maxwell and tapped him on the shoulder.
    â€œThe car is out front,” she said.
    Maxwell tore his gaze away from Reese and she was finally freed from the magnetic hold of his eyes.
    Putting on her best smile, she approached the duo. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
    The hot coals of his eyes raked over her, and it took all she had not to tremble.
    â€œNot at all. I just came down myself.”
    Reese couldn’t have been more stunned if he’d smacked her. Where were the cutting remarks, the sarcasm?
    Maxwell sat opposite Reese and Carmen in the limousine. “Did you talk with the housekeeper, Carmen?”
    â€œYes. Everything is in order. You can have your things sent over whenever you’re ready.”
    â€œGreat. Thanks. If you could take care of that for me while Ms. Delaware and I are at the office, I’d appreciate it.”
    â€œNo problem.”
    Curiously, Reese looked from one to the other waiting for someone to clue her in on what was going on. No one did. So she did what came naturally. She asked.
    â€œIs there some reason why you’re not staying at the hotel, Max?”
    â€œYes, there is.” One reason is because I don’t know how I’d be able to resist sneaking into your room each night, he thought. But instead he said, “I always promised myself that if I had to be away from home for long periods of time I’d have someplace I could call my own. I’m sure you’ll be quite comfortable at the hotel,” he added, seeming to want to assure her that the hotel was above reproach.
    How interesting, she mused and made a mental note to explore that little revelation at a later date. “I’d love to see it before we leave.”
    Maxwell cleared his throat. “I’ll make sure that you do,” he returned, his simple statement full of innuendo.
    Where the New York office was charged with an unmistakable energy, the L.A. contingent epitomized California cool. The techs ambled, never rushed, down the corridors. Everyone smiled and looked as though they

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