Intimate Betrayal

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Book: Intimate Betrayal by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
were headed to the beach instead of one of the fastest growing engineering companies on both coasts.
    As they made their way around the winding maze of cubicles and labs, in and out of security checkpoints, it seemed that every staff member found a way to gain Maxwell’s attention. Everyone seemed thoroughly pleased that he’d returned.
    â€œMax, good to have you back,” enthused a fiftyish-looking engineer who stopped Maxwell just outside of his office.
    Maxwell actually beamed with warmth, Reese noticed, as the two men embraced in a hearty bear hug. Maxwell turned to face Carmen and Reese with his arm draped across the man’s shoulders.
    This brief moment hinted at a dimension of his personalitythat he very infrequently allowed to be revealed, Reese realized, as another corner of her heart softened.
    â€œI’d like to introduce you to Reese Delaware. Ms. Delaware is the journalist from Visions Magazine. ”
    At least he didn’t call me a reporter.
    â€œMs. Delaware, this is Raymond St. John, the man who runs things in my absence—and when I’m here,” he added, his laughter rumbling from deep in his chest.
    Raymond stretched out his large hand to Reese, which she shook. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delaware. Don’t let ole Max give you a hard time,” he added in a faint accent that she couldn’t quite place. It was a melodic cross between Caribbean and Southern. She made another mental note and picked up the conversation.
    â€œHe just gets a little itchy and cranky around reporters. But he really is a right nice sorta fella,” he chuckled, miming an exaggerated drawl.
    â€œThat remains to be seen,” Reese teased, giving Raymond the benefit of her best smile.
    â€œYou just keep working on him,” he offered in a stage whisper. “Get Carmen’s help,” he added, winking at Carmen. “She’s the only one who can keep him in line.”
    â€œThe way the two of you are talking, you’re acting like I’m not even here,” Maxwell shot in, pretending offense.
    â€œI guess that’s my cue,” Raymond said. “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delaware. If you need anything, my office is right down the hall.”
    â€œThank you. I appreciate that and please call me Reese.”
    â€œI sure will. As long as you call me R.J.”
    Raymond moved down the hallway and disappeared around the corner.
    â€œAre the two of you about ready?” Maxwell snapped in alow rumble, annoyed by the innocent flirting between R.J. and Reese. He opened the door and stepped inside.
    Carmen and Reese shared a curious look and crossed the threshold.
    Reese’s feet were on fire by the time Maxwell finished his tour of the tri-level facility. She’d lost count of the rooms, offices and various labs, not to mention the basement, and subbasement where all of the computer chips and electronic tapes were fabricated. No wonder everyone she ran into, no matter how fashionably they were dressed, wore sneakers.
    What unnerved her the most was that Maxwell seemed to draw some sort of macabre pleasure at seeing her gritting her teeth from the ache in her toes. What happened to the man who all but admitted that something was happening between them?
    â€œThat about covers everything,” he announced, when they returned to his office three hours later. He turned to her with what she’d swear was a look of mock concern. “I hope the tour wasn’t too tiring. You do look a bit exhausted. Tokyo will be even more grueling. There are three different locations that I’ve selected, spread out across the provinces.” He smiled a cat-like grin. “I hope you’re up to it.”
    â€œI appreciated your concern,” she replied in a tone strung as tight as the skin across a drum. “But there’s no reason for it. So you don’t have to pretend to care one way or the

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