Intimate Betrayal

Free Intimate Betrayal by Donna Hill

Book: Intimate Betrayal by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
the threshold. And they did—from singing and dancing to pouring their sake.
    All of the preconceived notions about geishas being no more than high-priced prostitutes were soon erased. These were pampered, talented, beautiful, sexy women, who because of the Japanese culture, were a necessary way of life. Wives, on the other hand, were subdued, obedient, and anything but sexy. They were everything that a geisha was not.
    James slowly relaxed and began to truly enjoy the performances and the pampering, but his breath stopped in his chest when a young, beautiful girl, dressed in an elaborate costume of brilliant red and gold, took center stage. Her name was Sukihara, the petite, exotic nymph who’d changed his life.
    Far off, James heard the ringing of the phone. With reluctance be returned the photos to the box and placed the box back in the footlocker.
    Quickly he ran down the short flight of steps and answered the phone that sat in the foyer of the top floor.
    Returning from her part-time job at the local library, and unaware that her husband was at home, Claudia picked up the extension on the ground floor. When she heard her husband’s voice she intended to hang up until she heard the voice of the caller.
    â€œColonel Knight?”
    â€œYes, speaking.”
    â€œThis is Major General Murphy at Chevy Chase Air Force Base.”
    James’s heart began to race with dread. He’d been expecting this call and hating its inevitability.
    â€œWhat can I do for you, sir?”
    â€œWe’ve arranged to have a car pick you up at your home tomorrow morning at 0800 hours.”
    â€œYes, sir.”
    â€œI hope this won’t pose a problem for you.”
    â€œNo, sir. Of course not.”
    â€œGood. See you then, Colonel.” He broke the connection.
    James Knight had spent forty years of his life in the Special Forces unit of the Air Force. Taking orders without question was second nature. Slowly he replaced the receiver. Taking orders was the reason his life had never been his own, the reason that haunted him every day of his life for the past fifteen years—the reason why his son must never discover what those orders had commanded him to do.
    Claudia clutched the phone to her breasts and squeezed her eyes shut. When would they ever leave them alone? For fifteen years, they’d lived under the thumb of that demon from hell—Murphy. They’d never let James live in peace even after all that he’d done in their name. The military had stolen his spirit and Sukihara had stolen his heart.

Chapter 6
    â€œA fter we check into the hotel, I need to head over to the office,” Maxwell announced, as they moved through Los Angeles International Airport.
    Reese and Carmen doubled their steps to keep up with his brisk, long-legged strides.
    â€œI’ll be going with you,” Reese stated. “So I’ll need a few minutes to freshen up.”
    Maxwell looked at her over his shoulder. He wanted to say that she looked fabulous just the way she was. Her raven mane was twisted into a fuss-free French roll, and her statuesque form was coated in a teal suit of micro-silk with a skirt that hit her just above those gorgeous knees. His eyes snaked down to those luscious legs that were shadowed by a sheer pair of black hose. Briefly he wondered if she wore pantyhose or real stockings with garter belts. In any event, there was no way she looked like she’d been on a plane for six hours.
    â€œIf you think it’s necessary—to freshen up,” he qualified. “But I don’t have time to wait around all afternoon.”
    Reese and Carmen exchanged glances. “I’ll be sure not to keep you waiting—too long,” Reese coed sweetly.
    Once inside her hotel room, Reese was suitably impressed. This room outdid the Hilton by light years. The living area looked out onto rows of swaying palms and gentle breezes. The thick ecru carpet was

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