temptation in florence 05 - seaside in death

Free temptation in florence 05 - seaside in death by Beate Boeker

Book: temptation in florence 05 - seaside in death by Beate Boeker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beate Boeker
say anything else,” Pucci's voice was an insult.
    “Did you check if it's registered?” The lawyer asked.
    “Not yet.” Pucci sounded patient, as if he had to explain things to a slow child. “But how many more facts do you want?”
    “Quite a few, Commissario.” Rulo's voice couldn't become any icier. “ As you said yourself, the hiding place was too obvious. Someone else might have put the gun underneath my client's bed.”
    “Rubbish. I don't understand at all why you have to go ahead and make things complicated when everything is crystal-clear.”
    “Have you ever heard of a solution that's too easy?”
    “Bah!” Pucci said. “Ninety percent of the people who find the victim are the murderer.”
    It became so still that they could hear a lone cicada singing in the garden.
    Then Domenico Rulo said, slowly, pronouncing each word with care, “What's your name?”
    “I'm Commissario Pucci, and I'm in charge of this case, though as far as I'm concerned, it's already solved. You may say what you want, but--”
    The lawyer interrupted him, “Where is Commissario Garini?”
    “ Commissario who?”
    “The man who called me in.”
    “He means Stefano Garini,” Ernesto said. “You talked to him when . . .” he gulped, “when you came to see the body.”
    “Oh, him.” Pucci's voice was full of contempt. “I don't know where he is. He's not important.”
    Rulo said, “He will be.”
    “I have no idea what you mean,” Pucci's voice was waspish, “and I sure don't want to know. You're obstructing the police. Now, let's go ahead with the arrest.”
    “You're not proceeding with this outlandish arrest, my lad,” Rulo said. “Go back to where you came from and get the necessary documents. Once you have them, you can contact me again. Here's my card.”
    “I'll hold you personally responsible if the suspect escapes!” It was clear from Pucci's tone that he had finally realized his weak position.
    “Yeah, sure.” The lawyer sounded bored. “Now go.”
    The door banged, and for an instant, they could hear nothing but the excited buzz of the cicada.
    Then Rulo said, “Can you explain how the gun came to be underneath your bed, Signor Santorini?”
    “No!” Ernesto's voice was still much too high. “I swear to God, to the Madonna! I've never seen the gun in my life.”
    “Never?” Rulo's voice was dry.
    “Never! I don't even know how to shoot! I've never held a gun.”
    Rulo sighed. “You're hiding something, and let me tell you that you're doing a bad job. Even a fat loser like this Commissario Pucci can smell a rat when it's as badly hidden as that.”
    “I'm not hiding a rat.” Ernesto sounded like a stubborn child. “I'm not hiding anything.”
    “Wrong.” Rulo cut in with angry tone. “I know better, and I can tell you that your behavior is obstructing the case. Look, I've gotten quite a few criminals out, but you have to work with me to make it happen. I'm on your side.”
    “Nobody's on my side.” Ernesto said so softly they almost didn't hear it.
    Carlina swallowed. What had happened to her easy going cousin?
    “Have it your way, but you have to know that I don't like to be defeated. If you're not willing to work with me, then I'll refuse to take your case.”
    “Why did you come in the first place?” It was clear from Ernesto's tone that he had decided to keep the lawyer at arm's length.
    “Because Stefano Garini called me. I don't have much use for him; he's too straitlaced, but the fact that he called me intrigued me. He must have been pretty scared to call me in, so I couldn't resist coming and having a look. But I won't be defeated by the stupid behavior of a scared teenager.”
    “Stefano? Scared?” Ernesto sounded as if he had only taken in half the words.
    “Yes.” Rulo said with an openness that bordered on brutality. “And from all I've seen, he has a right to be scared. So will you tell me all you know or won't you?”
    Ernesto didn't reply.
    Rule gave a snort.

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