
Free Whitney by Celia Kyle

Book: Whitney by Celia Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle
Tags: Romance
she could totally do. Especially when that single finger was joined by another, stretching her sheath wide. His tongue picked up a steady rhythm, flicking her clit while he added the tiniest bit of suction to his actions.
    “Uh-huh.” She tilted her head to the side, encouraging Emmett’s wanderings while she focused entirely on the sensations caused by the man between her thighs. She moaned and groaned with his every move. He licked, she whimpered. He sucked, she sighed. It went round and round, her body reacting to him and him reacting to her sounds.
    Those thick fingers plunged in and out of her, the pads sliding over her G-spot with every pass and his mouth never lost its rhythm. Yes, that was what she needed. She needed the constant stimulation to shove her toward the edge of her release.
    With every whispered word, nibble of her neck, and torturous caress to her pussy, she neared her climax. Her nipples hardened further and her pussy clenched and milked Levy’s invading fingers.
    Whitney’s body trembled, her peak now looming before her. The pleasure was gathering, growing and expanding into an ever increasing bubble and any second now…
    A tiny flick of pain invaded her increasing bliss, and that was all she needed. Her body reacted to the small ache by pouring pure, unadulterated ecstasy into her veins. She screamed with her release, body reacting so violently that she wrenched herself from Emmett’s arms. She arched, head thrown back as she roared. Flaring light filled the room, illuminating every nook and cranny as her body succumbed to Levy and Emmett’s ministrations.
    Lava, hot and pure, washed through her, setting her nerves on fire and it added to the bliss of her release. Whitney’s muscles trembled, twitching, and jerking as wave after wave of ecstasy assaulted her. Hell, even her toes curled and that definitely hadn’t ever happened before. His tongue flicked, fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy and all she could do was ride the wave, enjoy the blissful torment.
    Levy didn’t pause in his torture. He continued his pace while her body burst into flames, and she couldn’t have cared less. Not when she had them surrounding her. Not when she had them to keep her safe. Not when she had them to make her come a million times over the coming years.
    When she couldn’t take any more, she reached for him, sliding her fingers through his hair and tugging on the blond strands. “Levy.” He sucked hard and glanced her clit with his fang once again. “Oh, God, Levy stop.”
    She was sobbing, and she didn’t give a damn. It felt glorious and painful in equal measure. Part of her screamed for him to cease so she could breathe. The other part of her told her other half to shut the fuck up, she was coming, damn it.
    Eventually—finally?—he eased his attentions, slowing his fingers and tongue until his touch barely registered. Whitney’s breath continued in heaving pants and the twitches and jerks kept randomly slipping through her, but at least she could think again.
    Think about Levy.
    And about Emmett.
    And about having them both inside her.
    Like, now.
    Eyes locked on Whitney, Levy slipped his fingers free of her soaked pussy and brought them to his mouth. Craving even more of her taste, he lapped and licked the digits, savoring the salty musk of her juices. His mate blushed at his actions, red suffusing her cheeks. He wondered if she’d always be quick to embarrass.
    He released his fingers with a low pop. “Delicious, sweet.”
    With ease, he rolled to his feet, hardened cock bobbing within the confines of his thin pants, begging for the feel of her wrapped around his dick. He gripped his shaft through the fabric and stroked himself, shuddering with the blunted friction.
    Emmett shifted, and he turned his attention to his fellow Warden as he spoke to Whitney. “Are you ready to be ours, love?”
    Already his friend had it bad.
    Whitney squirmed, reddening further. “I haven’t… I,

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