Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lea Barrymire

Book: Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lea Barrymire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Barrymire
Tags: Romance
didn’t request it and you know it. I was just pointing out that you were wrong about the best way to get me to behave.” She giggled but still continued backing away. “Stop it. You know I don’t really want you to bite me.”
    “Hm, if I remember you enjoy being bitten. I just assumed that this was a new place you wanted me to sink my teeth into.” His face took on a look of surprise. He cocked his head to the side and she could tell he was listening to something outside their cell.
    “What is it?” Maggie asked, lowering her voice to a whisper. A sense of dread worked through her body, lodging in her stomach.
    “They are here. Finally they have arrived.”
    “Who has come, Raharan?” She saw triumph and joy on his face.
    “My brothers. They have come to release us. I must go and help with the fighting, but I will be back soon to collect you. You remember the words that will keep you safe, right?” Maggie watched him almost glow with emotion. Fear teased at her thoughts, but she would stay strong for him. She noticed that he was fully dressed for the first time since she had met him. The white shirt was tucked into his pants. Brown calf high boots snuggly covered his feet. He looked like a buccaneer or pirate from old stories she had read as a kid.
    “Yes, I remember.” She breathed the words. He was going to leave her alone in his cell while he went to fight the Xeltec. She would be alone and unprotected. She scrambled off the bed and rushed at him. Wrapping her arms around him helped her deal with the influx of fear. His heat wrapped her in a feeling of safety and comfort. She looked up into his face and realized that she had become so comfortable with him that she didn’t notice the differences between their races anymore. Emotions choked her words to a whisper. “Please, come back for me. I love you.”
    Confusion crossed his face before he leaned down and took Maggie’s lips in a fierce kiss. He branded her soul with the heat and passion of that kiss. He caressed her face with a gentle slide of his fingers. “I promise you I will come and collect you once it’s safe. Then we will discuss love. Now, get dressed. I don’t want you naked in case another male comes to investigate the cells.”
    Maggie quickly donned the shirt she had been wearing before their last bout of lovemaking. She suddenly felt naked without pants or panties to cover her bottom. She watched Raharan walk out of the opened cell door without looking back at her. She clenched her fists in the fabric of her shirt and stood, rooted to the spot, for a moment. With a sob, she climbed onto the bed and wrapped the blanket, still warm from their nap, around her body. Fear for his safety gripped her in a cold, gut-wrenching grasp. What would happen to her if he was injured? Would anyone let her near him to care for him? Would they believe the words she had learned?
    Sounds filtered through her thoughts. Metallic thuds and scraping echoed down the corridor. It was eerily quiet in the hallway and seemed strange that the cell door remained open. She gasped when the lights flickered a few times. Huddled on the bed with the blanket wrapped around her, she prayed. Please don’t let the lights go out. She jumped when a loud metallic sound echoed through the hallway. It sounded closer than the others had. It felt like the entire ship was waiting for something to happen. The eye of the storm or something like that. Then, all Hell broke loose as did the scream of terror from Maggie’s throat.
    The ship shuddered under her as she sat still as stone. A metallic groan shook the bed, pulling a scream from her throat. With a sickening tilt, the entire room shifted, spilling Maggie from the bed. She slid across the floor and slammed into the wall, bruising her shoulder and hip. She thanked anyone that was listening that the bed was bolted to the floor. Thunderous explosions rocked the ship and the lights flickered off. Silence filled the air with a heavy

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