Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) by Lea Barrymire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Barrymire
Tags: Romance
make the right decision.
    “I understand your instructions, but Raharan is dead. His claim on you is negated, which means any male that finds you can claim you as he has no living family on board this ship. I found you, which means I can claim you for myself. Look at me, human, so I can see if you are worth claiming.”
    Panic flowed through her system, followed quickly by absolute anguish. He was dead? Gone? She looked up into the male’s face and saw the cruel truth written there. Dark eyes looked her over, appraising her like she was a new car. Long blond hair was pulled back into a tight braid that was pulled over his shoulder. His body was large and built like Raharan’s, but that was where their likenesses ended. Where Raharan had laugh lines and a softness around his eyes, this male had cruelty and anger. He ran his gaze over her from head to toe and then nodded. He swiftly turned and walked to the doorway, turning to look at her. “You’re acceptable for now. I will claim you until we return to our home planet. If you please me well, perhaps I’ll keep you. You’ll remain in this cell until we’ve repaired the ship. Once that is complete, I will come collect you. Do not allow any other males to see you. You’re now mine. My name is Mapra. You will respect my claim as you did Raharan’s.”
    The door closed, and she collapsed. Her heart ripped in half within her chest and sucked the breath from her throat. A keening moan tore out her mouth as she collapsed on the bed. He was gone. How was she going to live without him? She had just realized that she loved him, needed him, craved him. How was she supposed to go on without him? Sobs shook her body, her voice tearing her throat until she cried silently. Tears streamed down her face, soaking into the blanket that had only hours before covered them both. His scent still survived on the sheets and pillow. She buried her nose into the cloth and sucked his spicy scent into her body, trying to memorize the smell.

Chapter 9
    “Stand, human. You will come with me now that the ship is repaired.”
    Maggie fought the growling voice. Her body was cold from sitting against the wall of the cell. Her mind had been someplace else, enjoying the memories she had of her time with Raharan. She didn’t want to give up her hold on those thoughts. Reality was painful and scary. In her thoughts she had been remembering how he smiled when he teased her, and how it would have been to enjoy a snuggle with him after they made love. He would have been touching her, holding her close, and laughing with her. She knew that if she came out of her daydream all of that happiness would be gone and she’d be alone, stranded without him.
    “Stand up now. You anger me already by disobeying me?” Pain brought her quickly from her thoughts. Her arm hurt where Mapra’s large fingers had pinched her. She glanced down and could see the bruise forming already. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she rubbed at them with the back of a hand.
    A large hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her off the bed, unceremoniously dumping her onto the floor. She scrambled to her feet, smoothing the shirt she still wore down her thighs. All of the lessons Raharan taught her ran through her mind. This male was not going to allow her to slip like she’d been allowed to do before. With downcast eyes, she breathed deeply trying to calm her heart rate.
    “You will follow me, now.” Mapra turned and stalked out of the cell without a glance behind him. Maggie rushed forward to take her place two steps behind the male. She looked through her lashes at her new owner. He was as tall as Raharan had been, maybe even a little taller. His hair was really long and braided again, running down his back and ending just above his belt. Black leather pants covered his legs, and he wore a black vest over a white shirt. He walked with more emotion than Raharan had. His movements were harsher and more pronounced. Where Raharan had

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