Club Destiny 1 Conviction

Free Club Destiny 1 Conviction by Nicole Edwards

Book: Club Destiny 1 Conviction by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
in her pocket.
    “Are you guys ready to order, or
do you need a few more minutes.” The young lady asked, her voice soft and sexy
as she eyed Logan, her eyelashes sheepishly fluttering.
    Neither of them had looked at the
menu, so Logan glanced over at Sam. “You ready?”
    Sam didn’t hesitate as she
rattled off her order, her eyes never leaving Logan’s. She wasn’t sure what
made her stare back at him, but something deep inside of her felt threatened by
the young woman with the perky breasts, blonde hair and big, blue eyes.
Something so powerful she forgot for a single moment that she wasn’t on a date,
but rather a casual, business lunch.
    Something inside of Sam tingled,
her thighs clinching tightly as he seemed to be eyeing her with as much heat as
she was him.
    “I’ll have the same.” Logan’s
deep voice rumbled, sending shockwaves of electricity reverberating straight to
her core. He never broke eye contact, and Sam was sure he could see her
    “I’ll put your order right in. If
you need anything else, my name is Heather.” The perky, young woman said
sweetly, clearly oblivious to Logan’s lack of interest.
    “Thank you, Heather.” Sam managed
a professional tone, briefly glancing up at the other woman, before her eyes
locked with Logan’s again.
    A chill ran down her spine,
physically making her tremble, as the thought of kissing Logan ran through her
mind. Would sparks fly if he kissed her? She could almost feel the warmth of
his lips on hers, and she fought to erase the inappropriate thought. Although
it continued to teeter on the edge of her conscience.
    “I take it you’ve been here
before?” Logan asked, still holding her gaze.
    “Sure. This chain is all over
Texas. I’ve always liked it.” Ok break the eye contact Samantha . Take
it back to safer ground . “So, where were we?”
    Thankfully Logan picked right
back up where they had left off.
    “After talking to James, I
discussed you with a few of the PMs in my office, and they had good things to
say about you. Even Jeff offered up your name as a replacement for him. At that
point, I was sold. I didn’t even need to hear the feedback I received from your
team. You’re a very popular person within the company.”
    Sam was embarrassed by his
praise, but she did her best to keep her composure. She found she wanted this
job more and more. Unfortunately, she also wanted this man.
    “I’m glad to hear that. To know
I’ve managed to build some strong relationships makes it all seem worthwhile. I
enjoy working for XTX, and I think I’ll enjoy Dallas just as much as San
Antonio.” If not more . She thought the last part, and was glad it hadn’t
tumbled out of her mouth.
    The remainder of the lunch went
well, the two of them discussing more in depth what the priorities of the
organization were and the overall objectives of the upcoming projects. By the
end, Sam was ready to tell him yes, she would take the job, but she still
wanted to talk to Jeff a little more. If for nothing else than to make Logan
sweat a little.
    The thought of him sweating
nearly had her coming undone.
    Sam offered to pay for her own
meal, but Logan insisted, using the excuse that it was on the company. As they
walked out to the car, she could almost feel his body heat as close as he
seemed to be. Maybe it was her imagination.
    Logan had been completely
professional all through lunch. After all, she was the one with the devious
thoughts that seemed to be wandering into unchartered territory. Sam had to get
over the school girl crush she seemed to have developed and keep the relationship
    As they reached the car, Sam
reached down to open the door at the same time Logan reached for the handle,
and their fingers brushed lightly. The sparks that ignited between the two of
them were instantaneous and almost visible to the naked eye.
    Pulling back quickly, Sam managed
to avoid his gaze. Her physical reaction to the boss was highly

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