Where Rivers Part

Free Where Rivers Part by Kellie Coates Gilbert

Book: Where Rivers Part by Kellie Coates Gilbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kellie Coates Gilbert
Tags: FIC042000, FIC044000
our website.”
    Juliet’s stomach clenched. The ominous report suggested more than a simple undercooked burger at a backyard barbecue. She knew many in her field would be working feverishly to identify the source and end the outbreak. Time was of the essence in these situations.
    Tomorrow she’d put in some calls. See if she could help in any way.
    She pulled into downtown, found a lot off Market Street, and parked her Jeep on the fourth level, next to an old green and white pickup with a bumper sticker proudly displayed in the back window that said, “I’m from Texas. What country are you from?”
    Normally she would smile at the humor, but not today. Not after learning of a potential outbreak in their city.
    She’d need to cut this dinner short. No doubt the scientific forums she followed on the internet would be buzzing tonight as everyone in her field closely monitored the developments.
    She quickly made her way along the sidewalk and down the cement stairs to the path lining the murky black San Antonio River that snaked through downtown. The Riverwalk, lined with restaurants, hotels, and more, had long been known as Texas’s number one tourist attraction. Just ahead, Juliet spotted the brightly colored patio umbrellas lining the Casa Rio.
    Her mother saw her and waved. As Juliet approached, the maître d’ directed her to their table.
    â€œThere you are.” Her mother placed her napkin on the table and lifted from her chair.
    â€œNo, sit.” Juliet bent and kissed her mother’s cheek.
    â€œYour father was held up.” Her mom scooted up to the table. “Something about an outbreak.”
    Juliet slid into a chair opposite hers. “I heard on the radio on the way here. Does Dad know anything?”
    â€œNot that he’s been able to tell me yet.” Her mother handed her a menu. “But he promised he’d be here. We were doing a little shopping downtown when he got the call.”
    â€œIt’s awful. Those kids.” Juliet shook her head. “And so unnecessary, what with everything the science community knows about food pathogens. Someone along the line clearly failed to utilize proper detection methods. Whoever is responsible should be hung by their toes from the top of the Tower of the Americas.”
    â€œOh, Juliet!”
    â€œI’m serious, Mom. There’s no excuse.” Her eyes scanned the entrée selections, although she didn’t need to. Founded in 1946, Casa Rio was the first San Antonio business to open its doors to the river and take advantage of the unique waterfront setting. Herfamily had been coming here for years, and Juliet always ordered the same thing—pollo asado, with an extra side of chunky guacamole.
    The waiter took their order.
    â€œGracias, amigo.” Juliet handed him the menu. She looked across the table. “What’s the matter, Mom? You look tired.” She scooped salsa onto a chip and brought it to her mouth.
    Her mother adjusted a pair of reading glasses nested in her thick bobbed hair. “Gee, thanks a lot.”
    Juliet’s expression tightened with concern. “I’m serious. Maybe you’re overdoing it a bit at the birthing center.” She popped the chip in her mouth, savoring the strong bite of the finely chopped jalapeños mixed with chunks of tomato and onion, garlic, and cumin.
    Her mom waved her off. “A little hard work never hurt anyone. If I look a bit haggard”—she straightened her fork on the table—“maybe it’s because your father dragged me all over town today looking for hatch chilies. They’re past season, but he insisted on searching every farmer’s market in Bexar County until he found a batch.”
    â€œHey, do I hear my name being taken in vain?”
    Juliet glanced up. Her father appeared next to her mother. He planted a kiss on top of his wife’s head and moved to take a seat next to her.

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