Forgive and Forget: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #2) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries)

Free Forgive and Forget: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #2) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries) by Sarah Biglow

Book: Forgive and Forget: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #2) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries) by Sarah Biglow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Biglow
    Water snaked down around the car’s tires and she stepped out of its path. Kalina rounded the front of the car to find Adam holding a hose, washing away the last remnants of what had happened.
    “Oh, hi,” she said.
    He shut off the water and tossed the hose aside. “Hi. If you’re looking for Nadine, she’s in the kitchen.”
    She hadn’t been looking for her friend but maybe they did need to talk. She wanted Nadine to know that she wanted them to remain close. Wiping her feet on the front mat, she headed straight back to the kitchen. Nadine sat at the table, staring at nothing in particular.
    “Hey, I hope it’s okay that I stopped by,” Kalina said, snapping Nadine out of her fog.
    “Yeah, of course.”
    Kalina took the seat across from her friend. “I’m a little surprised you’re back here. I thought you and Adam were heading out of town today.”
    “We will but we needed to get this place cleaned up. I wanted to take a few pictures of my mom, too.”
    “What are you going to do with it now that it’s yours again?”
    “Sell it. There is too much sorrow and sadness in this place for me to stay here. I don’t need the reminder of all the horrible things I suffered because of these four walls. It tore our family apart and if I’m going to move forward and heal from this, I need to not be here. I need to make a clean break.”
    “That’s understandable. I’m sure you’ll find a buyer quick.”
    “Honestly, I don’t even care about the money. I’ll list it for whatever it’s worth and take whatever I can get. I already called a broker, Thomas Chase. He’s coming over this afternoon to do an appraisal.”
    “That is pretty quick.”
    “Like I said, I need a clean break.” She twisted a few strands of hair together and looked down at her lap. “I have to write an obituary for my father. But I don’t think I can do it yet. Adam said he talked to the coroner out in Salem and they are ready to release my father’s body.”
    “You have time. And you don’t have to do it alone. Adam and I are here for you.”
    “I just don’t want people to ask questions. Knowing he took his life out of guilt is hard enough for me to deal with. I don’t think I could handle everyone else knowing because then they would wonder what he felt guilty about. They’d assume it was my mother.”
    “You don’t have to write that he took his life. You can say that he passed away suddenly while you were home visiting him. Keep it really vague. No one has to know the truth. It’s your life and your family. You’re in control of what happens now.”
    “What about a funeral? I can’t pay for that. I don’t even know if he wanted one. And I don’t know what to do with his body. My mother was cremated but I have no idea if that’s what he wanted, too. And do I put him with her or with his own family?”
    “Have you looked at his will?”
    “Adam did. I couldn’t bring myself to look this morning.”
    “Then let him help you figure all of that out. That’s what boyfriends are for, especially ones who are lawyers. He’ll know what to do or he’ll know the person to talk to. Lean on the people who care about you, Nadine.”
    “Thanks. It’s just so overwhelming and I just want it to be over.” Tears shone in her eyes but they didn’t fall.
    Kalina reached across the table to give her friend’s hand a firm, reassuring squeeze. She looked around the kitchen at the familiar, pale yellow wallpaper and cream colored drapes. A tiny part of her would be sad to see it come into new ownership but she understood Nadine’s desire to move on. It had been a harrowing few days for both of them but somehow they’d made it through. Maybe it was because they’d had each other for support.
    “The reason I stopped by was because I wanted you to know that I don’t want us to lose touch again, even if you’re moving somewhere else with Adam.”
    “I’m glad you said that. I think it will be

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