HF - 04 - Black Dawn

Free HF - 04 - Black Dawn by Christopher Nicole

Book: HF - 04 - Black Dawn by Christopher Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Nicole
Tags: Historical Novel
continue, sir?' Tony inquired. 'Pick it up, man. Pick it up.'
    'Gad, sir.' Lanken gazed at Morrison, then up at the poop, where his wife looked down, a peculiar expression in her face.
    'Enough,' Morrison declared. 'I am sure honour has been satisfied. You have crossed swords, and there is all that is needed. Mr Ratchet, stow these weapons.'
    'And now, sir, bed,' Collie said, putting his arm around Dick's shoulders.
    'Aye,' said one of the crew, standing close enough to be overheard. 'Best place for him.'
    'But the other one had some guts, though, eh?' remarked another.
    Dick looked up at Joan Lanken; her expression had now definitely settled into a sneer.
    'I think the poor chap can get up now,' Tony said, leaning on the bulkhead and looking down at his brother. 'Don't you, doctor?'
    'Oh, indeed,' Collie agreed. 'H e is looking much better. A total recovery, I would say. Besides Jamaica is in sight.' He smiled at Dick. 'That'll complete the cure, eh?' He left the tiny cabin originally occupied by Mr Ratchet, but utilized as a sickroom for the past week.
    'Jamaica?' Dick sat up.
    'We sighted it last evening,' Tony said. 'But I did not wish to excite you. We are entering Port Royal at this moment.'
    Dick threw back the covers, peered through the port; the cabin looked aft, and he could see nothing but water. Yet the sea itself had changed, the great rolling waves had disappeared, and this ocean was so quiet it might almost have been painted into place.
    'And I'll be right glad to get off this tub, I'll tell you that.' Tony said. 'And to get off in one piece.'
    'I don't see how I'll dare leave.' Dick sat down again. He had been confined to the cabin s ; nce the duel, and had been happy to stay here, for all that it had been at once hot and boring, with only Tony and the doctor, and occasionally Mrs Collie, for company. At least he had finished his book on sugar. Not that he understood a great deal of it.
    'Ah, bah. The whole thing was a nine day's wonder,' Tony declared. 'Why, I'd wager even Joan has forgiven you by now. She'd be ready for another tumble, if you'd take the risk.'
    'I'd need my head examined for bumps,' Dick said. 'If only you'd told me what you planned.'
    Tony sighed patiently. They had been through this almost every day. 'Then you wouldn't have acted so surprised. And you were obviously totally surprised. Everyone could see that.'
    'But to bribe CollieDo you not think he will put it about?'
    'He'll not. if he has any sense. I've told him he'll answer to me. Do get on with it.'
    Dick pulled on his clothes. 'Yet will they all know that I was afraid to face him.'
    Tony smiled at his brother. 'And weren't you?'
    'Well. . .' Dick sighed. 'I was more afraid of making a total fool of myself, by sheer ineptitude. Would you believe that?'
    'I would,' Tony said, gently. 'But then, I know you.'
    'And you,' Dick said miserably. 'I was afraid for you. I never had any idea you could handle a sword like that.'
    Tony winked. 'You think I spend all my time gambling and whoring? I practise with the best, Dickie boy. But how was I to tell the old lady? Or even more the old man?'
    'But if you intended to fight Lanken anyway, and admit to bedding Mistress Lanken anyway,' Dick said in bewilderment, 'why did you not just do it from the start?'
    'Ah, but it was necessary to gain the sympathy of Morrison first, and of the crew. Don't you see?'
    ‘I suppose so,' Dick said. But he didn't.
    'And it worked like a charm,' Tony said. 'And you think I'm good with a sword? You should see me with a pistol.'
    'Aye,' Dick said. 'Maybe you should teach me. Although what Uncle Robert will say . . .'
    'From what I've heard of that devil, he'll approve. I'll teach you, Dickie lad. And we'll keep quiet about the voyage, eh?' He cocked his head. 'There's the anchor.'
    Jamaica. The very name sent Dick's blood pounding through his veins. He had heard so much about this island, differing opinions, from both Mama and Father. He had read so much

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