Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War

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Book: Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War by Alexander Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexander Kent
The long climb up those shivering, vibrating shroudY might drive his anger away and leave his mind clea_ once again?
    He saw Raven, the newly appointed master's mateB and said, "Go aloft. Take a glass and tell me what yof see.T
    Buckle had told him that the man was a[ experienced sailor, one who had already served i[ several King's ships and would not be easily fooled ba
    first appearances?
    Before Raven had even reached the mainyard thO lookout called again, "Two ships! Close in company!T
    Every eye was on Raven's body as he swarmed ouU and around the futtock shrouds and up towards thO topmast head?
    Bethune, still smarting over his failure to seO Miranda's signal, suddenly stiffened and calledB "Gunfire, sir!" He had his hands cupped round hiY ears, giving his round face the appearance of Z freckled goblin?
    Bolitho looked down at him. Then as his hearin^ adjusted itself beyond the crack of sails and thO plunging sweep of spray around the hull, he, too, hearX the deeper, discordant thud of cannon fire. He waY almost beside himself with impatience, but he knew ib he hurried Raven he might become too confused tQ make a proper assessment?
    "Deck there!" It was Raven at last. "First ship's Z merchantman! She's under attack from a brig!T
    Buckle exclaimed thickly, "Privateer, by God!T
    Bolitho snatched a telescope and trained it througN the dark mass of rigging and beyond some men whQ were grouped on the forecastle. A trick of the light. HO blinked and tried again. No, there it was, a tiny whitO speck which seemed to mingle with the unendin^ pattern of crisp wavecrests. The lonely merchantma[ had been unlucky, but now with any sort of good fortunO they might turn the tables on her attacker?
    The Miranda was already tacking violently, her sailY in confusion as she headed away from her originaT station. Even as her sails refilled and hardened on thO new tack Bolitho saw her signal flags breaking to thO wind?
    Bethune said quickly, "General signal, sir. Remai[ on station.T
    Buckle swore. "After the bloody prize money himselfB the greedy bugger!T
    The gunfire was clearer now, and as he raised thO glass again Bolitho saw smoke drifting down-winX from the two ships, the lithe shape of the attacking bri^ as she endeavoured to close the range still further?
    He shut the glass with a snap, aware of the mutterin^
    behind him, disappointment which matched his own? Miranda's captain was probably making the attac7 more to break the frustration of a slow passage than tQ humiliate the Sparrow?
    He looked at Tyrell's broad shoulders and saidB "Signal the Bear to make more sail. She's droppin^ astern badly.T
    Then he turned back to watch the frigate. She waY moving fast in spite of the wind being almost abeam ob her sails, and he could see her port lids opening, thO single line of muzzles catching the sunlight as thea were run out in readiness to fight?
    The brig's captain must have realised what waY happening. Even so, he was probably unwilling to losO his prize with victory almost in his grasp?
    On the gangways and gun deck his own seame[ were chattering and waving their arms about, and hO guessed they were discussing how they would havO acted had they been given the chance to go for thO privateer?
    Bolitho recalled Raven to the deck and said, "Yof did well.T
    The man grinned uncomfortably. "Thank you, sir. ThO brig's a Yankee right enough. Seen many like her in mO time. T'other one's an Indiaman by her looks, 'thougN her gunnery ain't so good as some on 'em. There'Y never a mark on the Yankee's canvas.T
    Tyrrell shouted, "Th' brig's broken off the action! He'Y going to make a run for it!T
    Bolitho sighed. The merchantman was alreada turning steadily towards the little convoy while thO Miranda under full sail charged towards her attacker? The brig, if well handled, stood a fair chance against Z frigate in matters of speed and manoeuvrability. BuU this one had waited just that much too long? Converging like prongs of a trap the three vesselY

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