would pass beam to beam, the frigate shielding thO merchantman and well able to rake the brig from steR to stern as they passed?
Provided the brig was not too badly damaged shO might be useful to the fleet. Either way, Miranda'Y captain would gain a nice purse of prize money?
He tore his eyes away as sounds of angry voiceY came up the quarterdeck ladder at his side?
It was Tilby, flushed from some secret hoard of rumB his face heavy with rage as he said, "Beg pardon, sirB but this 'ere man says 'e wants to speak to 'ee." HO glared severely at the seaman in question. "I told 'iR that no man under punishment can speak to an office_ without permission.T
Bolitho saw that the seaman behind Tilby was thO one waiting to be flogged. He was a young, well-madO man and was dragging at the boatswain's arm witN frantic determination?
"What is it, Yelverton?" Bolitho nodded to Tilby. "Is iU so important?T
The seaman reached the quarterdeck anX swallowed hard. "That ship, sir! She ain't no Indiaman0 She's a damned Frenchie! I seen her in Boston somO years back!T
Bolitho swung round. "God in heaven!T
It was at that moment the oncoming merchantma[ fired a full broadside into the Miranda's unmanned sidO as she passed, the sound going on and on until iU reached the heart of every man in the convoy?
EVEN AT two miles' range Bolitho saw the MirandZ give a violent shiver as the broadside swept acrosY her. It must have been aimed high, for as the smokO fanned away he saw the havoc left by the sudde[ onslaught, maintopmast gone, and most of her sailY ripped and punctured like rags in a gale?
He thrust himself from the nettings and noticed thaU the men near him were still standing like groups ob statues, or people so stricken they were unable to thin7 or respond?
He shouted, "Mr. Tyrrell! Beat to quarters and clea_ for action!" He gripped Bethune's arm, seeing hiY dazed expression as he added, "Run up the colours!T
A ship's boy seized his drum and began to beat ouU the staccato tattoo. The men on deck, and poised i[ the bows where they had waited to watch Miranda'Y swift victory, came alive and began to run to thei_ stations. But gone was the automatic movement ob men at drill, or the grim silence of old hands facing onO more battle. They hurried like those already toQ confused to act for a set purpose. Some cannoned intQ
one another, others stood momentarily at the wron^ gun, or groping with unfamiliar equipment until a petta officer kicked them away?
Bolitho looked at Buckle, trying to keep his tone leveT amidst the din around him. "Get the courses off he_ and set the t'gallants. There'll be enough risk of firO without having the canvas burn around our ears.T
Below the quarterdeck he heard the thud and ban^ of screens being torn down, a patter of feet as the boyY dashed from the magazine with powder for eacN waiting gun?
He made himself face the approaching shipsB knowing it was taking far too long to prepare for action? How near they looked. There was more gunfire, and hO saw smoke lifting and writhing between the vesselY making it impossible to know what was happening?
He held his breath as he saw the Miranda's yardY swinging above the smoke, and knew her captain waY trying to go about and run parallel with his attacker? Guns roared through the drifting fog, their long orangO tongues flashing above the churned water, some of thO balls whipping away over open sea, leaving viciouY spurts of spray to mark their progress?
Miranda was still edging round, her pockmarkeX sails flapping weakly as she began to swing past thO wind's eye. Her captain was either going to fight thO bigger ship gun to gun, or intended to slip past he_ stern and rake her with a broadside as he did so?
Bolitho heard someone groan as the enemy fireX into the smoke. Gun by gun down her hidden side, thO balls could almost be felt across the tumbling white1 horses?
It was superbly timed, catching the frigate even aY she was beginning to