
Free Diviner by Bryan Davis

Book: Diviner by Bryan Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryan Davis
    Taushin touched her shoulder with a wing. “I will be more honest with you than you have been with me. While you were in the castle beyond the entry room, I could no longer see through your eyes, so I am unable to verify your story. Your return to me is, indeed, a sign of obedience, for which I applaud you.” The claw at the end of his wing slowly dug into her skin. “You see, even that relatively minor act of acquiescence has further bonded us. More than ever before, I am able to detect your trail. Every place you enter, I am able to follow. Even now I could track the steps you took inside that castle, feel what you felt, hear what you heard, smell what you smelled. If you ever try to free yourself from me, I will be able to learn what you have done and eventually find you. Do you understand?”
    Koren nodded once again, cringing at the sting in her shoulder. Any sudden movement, any sign of rebellion, could result in a cruel slash down her back.
    “Now,” Taushin continued, withdrawing the wing, “look up at the sky. Show me the land’s profile again.”
    Koren scanned the castle. The wide entrance lay open, as if inviting her to come in and warm her frozen fingers and toes, but the impression was a lie. She was an unwelcome intruder. She then shifted her gaze to the mountains behind the castle, guessing at the location of the hole out of which Exodus would have to rise.
    “At least now your decision is an easy one,” Taushin said. “If you cannot seal the wound, you will resurrect Exodus then exit after the slaves are liberated.”
    She continued sweeping her gaze across the mountaintops, stopping briefly at a snow-covered, truncated cone with a flat top. “How long do you think I’ll be in there?”
    “Impossible to determine. We will not know until you make the attempt. Guide Exodus to the South, and I will tell you what to do when you arrive.”
    “How will you get there?” Koren asked. “Since you’re blind without me, I mean.”
    “As I said, I can detect every place you have been, so I will follow your trail backwards as well as utilize other scent landmarks. The guardian dragons will guide me from the barrier wall, and once I arrive at the Basilica I will use Zena as my vision host. She will be adequate for the time being.”
    “I understand.” Koren imagined the staircase leading to the chamber. Of course she could go back to Exodus, but what would Brinella say? Would the original Starlighter even let her back in?
    She lowered her eyes to Taushin’s face again. His expression gave away worry, as if he wasn’t sure of his plan. A wave of sympathy rose in her heart. She lifted a hand to stroke his cheek but quickly jerked it back.
No! He’s a cruel monster! Don’t let him have complete control.
    Taushin spread out his wings. “Let us proceed.”
    He lifted off and flew into the sky. Soon he became a black splotch in the midst of a beautiful blue canopy.
    Koren frowned at the sight. Taushin was the spill of a pen, an artist’s mistake. His wickedness made him the scourge of Starlight. For generations the dragons waited for him to rise to power, selfishly hoping for a paradise—no labors, no lack of pheterone, and no pesky humans to provide for.
    Letting out a sigh, she turned toward the castle. Yes, evil had awaited a greater evil, and now she had to do its bidding, or at least feign to do so. Taushin had left her here unguarded, trusting that the invisible chains she wore would keep her in line.
    And he was right. She wouldn’t leave. The mysteries here were too great to abandon, and the opportunity to free her fellow slaves would be her chains. If she could keep Exodus aloft long enough, maybe Taushin really would fulfill his promise. Wasn’t it worth a try? If only the slightest chance existed, shouldn’t she make the attempt? What harm could come?
    She looked again at the sky. Taushin was nowhere in sight. It felt so good to be away from him, relatively free from his

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