Love Plays a Part

Free Love Plays a Part by Nina Coombs Pykare

Book: Love Plays a Part by Nina Coombs Pykare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Coombs Pykare
on. Tell me about Dover and your life there.”
    And so, as Samantha stitched up the tear in the tunic, she told the great man about the lonely years in the country. When she was finished, Samantha offered the tunic to Kean for inspection.
    He shook his head. “No need for that. I trust you can sew.” He glanced at his timepiece. “I suppose you should get back to Maria and your other duties. And I have to get ready for rehearsal.”
    He rose as she got to her feet and extended his hand. “But remember, Samantha, we are friends. From time to time I shall have things to be mended.”
    Samantha nodded as she shook his hand. “All right.” She hesitated by the door.
    Kean smiled at her. “Don’t fret yourself, Samantha. I’ll keep your secret, never fear.”
    “Th-thank you, Ned.”
    “You’re quite welcome.”
    As Kean closed the door, Samantha moved off down the corridor. It was unbelievable that the great actor could be so kind and considerate. Actors were supposed to be temperamental. Highhanded. With their noses in the air. Puffed up with their own importance. That was what Papa had said they were often like. And, after all, they deserved to be treated differently. They were almost like another species, such talented people.
    Samantha opened the door to the room she shared with Maria. She was almost pushed over as Lily Porter came swishing dramatically by and knocked against her.
    “Excuse me,” said Samantha, but the irony of her exclamation was lost on the irate Lily.
    Samantha continued into the room. “Whatever is the matter with her?” she asked Maria, who was holding a blue velvet gown.
    “She wants to know why her gown ain’t taken in yet.”
    ‘But she doesn’t need it today, does she?’
    Maria shook her head. “Course not. But that don’t mean nothing to her. When Miss Lily wants something done, she wants it now.”
    Samantha shook her head. “It’s a shame some little lordling doesn’t come along and spirit off Miss Lily Porter.”
    Maria chuckled. “Ain’t no little lording going to satisfy that one. She got her eye on a prime article.”
    Maria nodded. “Yes, sirree. She’s got the Earl of Roxbury dangling after her.”
    Samantha felt the color flooding her face. “But would an earl marry an actress?”
    “Some has done it.” Maria smiled. “Some men, when they wants something, won’t stop at nothing to get it. But I think Miss Lily’s off the mark here. Roxbury ain’t no stripling just out of leading strings. He’s been on the town these many years. He ain’t gonna marry no player. Not that one.” She nodded wisely. “Certain sure he ain’t gonna marry that Lily. He’s just looking for a new dasher. And if she don’t come across with what he wants soon, he’s gonna go looking in other places.”
    Samantha did not reply to this but pretended to be deeply engaged in examining a gown that she had picked up. There was no doubt that Maria was right about Roxbury. The man was obviously only interested in amusement. The thought of him marrying a little nobody like Lily Porter was utterly ridiculous. And, if he did marry, he would surely continue his man-about-town ways. Not a prospect that little Lily would countenance, Samantha thought with a small smile.
    “I’ll go ahead and do her gown,” she said. “We might as well keep her happy if we can.”
    Maria nodded. “You’re a good girl, Samantha. There’s some as would take offense at her being so pushy and all.”
    Samantha shrugged and smiled. “I do not let myself be concerned by little things like that. Not when I can be part of the theatre.”
    Maria nodded. “You got sense, Samantha. I just hope some man don’t come along and steal you away.”
    Samantha laughed. “There’s no need to worry about that. I told you, Maria, I’ve no use for men - at least not like that.”
    “Yes, you told me,” said Maria with a smile that showed that she was not at all convinced.
    * * * *
    The afternoon

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