A Fluffy Tale

Free A Fluffy Tale by Ann Somerville

Book: A Fluffy Tale by Ann Somerville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Somerville
Tags: Fantasy, gay romance, M/M romance, mm, fluff
deteriorating, but he seemed to
be a little stronger. The doctors would try removing him from the ventilator in
the morning and encouraged Leo and Julian not to visit until that had been
    “I don’t understand,” Julian said.
    “It’s because it’s a little distressing for
the patient and those watching,” Leo said. “It’s all normal, I assure you.”
    Julian didn’t want to get to the point
where this kind of thing was normal. “How long are you going to stay?” he
    “As long as Zachary needs me—though I may
have to have some things sent to me from my home, and buy some more clothes. I
packed in something of a hurry.”
    For the first time, Julian dared to think
about what came next. Zachary had a broken leg, among many other injuries. He’d
be on crutches at the very least—but that apartment of his wasn’t in a very
disabled friendly building. And what about Leo? Would he live there too? Would
Zachary need a nurse? And what about his job?
    He realised he’d assumed he had any role to
play—just as Leo had. But when Zachary woke up, which he definitely had to, the
man might have very definite views about the matter. And might not be at all
happy for Julian to be involved.
    “I guess I’ll find out,” he whispered into
Pyon’s fur after he’d settled down to sleep. They’d taken the time to make the
apartment more friendly for two people, and to make
the sofa bed up properly, but it would be a bit of a strain to live like this
for months. “One day at a time, right?”
    Pyon chirped and licked his face
enthusiastically. Whenever Julian grew a little mopey about being involved in
this mess, he only had to look at his kem to realise that, at least for him, it
had been worth it. Not for Zachary though. Zachary would probably curse the day
a cheeky little kem had made him spill coffee all over himself.
    “Not a lot I can do about that now, eh?”
Pyon squeaked again and squirmed under the blankets so he could nest properly
in Julian’s arms. Smart boy , Julian
thought. Rest was good. Thinking was getting him nowhere.
    He remembered more of his nightmares in the
morning—Zachary dying, Linis crying before he too, disappeared forever—and
could only hope they’d drop off once they were sure Zachary would recover. They weren’t there yet, however
hopeful the doctors were.
    But there were mundane matters to deal with
first. Leo, who was a someone, or at least had once
been, used his reputation and wealth to go straight to the top, and Julian had
an uncomfortable meeting with him and the most senior of the senior partners
down at the office. It was so weird to see Mr Clarke so deferential and polite.
Of course anything Mr Underwood wanted was just fine with the firm. Our Mr
Godwin is at your disposal, Mr Underwood, for however long you require him, Mr
Underwood. Our only concern is Mr Ledbetter’s return to health. We're making
arrangements to deal with his caseload, and he shouldn’t worry about a thing.
Do let us know if you need any further assistance, Mr Underwood. Our firm is at
your service.
    Julian found himself in a taxi on the way
back to the apartment before the dazed feeling wore off.
    “ What did you say you did before you retired?” he asked his deceptively
innocent-looking companion as they drove away from the building.
    Leo gave him a slightly wolfish grin. “It’s
a more a matter of who I know. And who my family were. I don’t usually play
that game. But it’s nice to able to, don’t you think?”
    Julian could only nod mutely. It had been
ever so slightly scary seeing Leo pull rank on the terrifying and normally not
at all genial Mr Clarke. “You think they’re going to take it out on me when
this is over?”
    “My boy, they’ll probably promote you.” He
patted Julian’s knee. “Don’t worry about it. Let me call the hospital.”
    The news he received meant the taxi was
redirected, Julian holding tightly onto Pyon as they drove. Please be okay,

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