Jack Shian and the Mapa Mundi

Free Jack Shian and the Mapa Mundi by Andrew Symon

Book: Jack Shian and the Mapa Mundi by Andrew Symon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Symon
so it goes no further, all right?”
    All of the youngsters indicated assent.
    “It seems the manuscripts are a mixture. Murkle thought he could work out the Shian bits and Daid would take the human parts.”
    “Daid talked about a prophecy,” said Jack uncertainly. “He said children would rescue a dead man called Phineas.”
    Aunt Katie let out a gasp, before recovering.
    “Prophecies aren’t always what they seem,” she announced. “People find in them what they want. My father taught me that. And if it’s Daid who’s deciphering them, then they probably refer to humans.”
    Uncle Doonya looked down at the youngsters. “We need to get the right Shian in to examine these papers. That will give us the best chance.”
    “Why don’t we ask Cosmo?” suggested Jack. “He knew a lot about the King’s Chalice.”
    “And what about the ghosts?” asked Lizzie. “Comgall and his monks?”
    “We called on them because they made the Chalice,” pointed out Jack. “Why would they know about the Sphere?”
    “Asking Cosmo might be what we need,” said Uncle Doonya. “He certainly knew more than we realised.”
    “And he deliberately didn’t tell the Congress,” said Petros. Seeing his father’s grim look, Petros persevered. “It’s true, Dad. When the Congress summoned him in, he didn’t tell them because he didn’t trust all of them. And he was right: Rowan was a traitor.”
    Uncle Doonya sat down and cupped his face with his hands. When he spoke, he sounded weary.
    “You’re right. It’s hard to accept that the Congress couldn’t – can’t – be trusted. The way some of them are willing to let the Kildashie stay is worrying. We’ll have to do what we can without them for now.” He turned to Jack. “Jack, you got on with Cosmo: can you ask him to come and see us, and we’ll try to decipher the manuscripts?”
    Jack nodded.
    “Purdy knows some of the Cos-Howe boys,” piped up Rana. “We can ask her to speak to them.”
    “It would be better coming from Jack. Petros can go along too.” Uncle Doonya’s voice had regained its authority. “The low road can take you straight there. Anyone can use it now; no time like the present.”
    Jack looked across at Petros, who just stared back.
    “When will Murkle let us have the papers?”
    “Just find out when Cosmo can come here, and I’ll deal with Murkle,” replied Uncle Doonya. “I doubt he’ll allow the manuscripts to leave the square.”
    Jack stood up and moved through to the front door. Petros remained in his chair for a few moments, then rose slowly and followed.
    “You don’t have to come,” said Jack. “I can go and ask Cosmo myself.”
    Petros threw him a scornful look. “Dad said I’ve got to go with you.”
    “Suit yourself.” Jack made his way down to the mound of earth behind the last house at the foot of the square. Petros followed on, dragging his steps a little. When he arrived at the mound he gripped Jack’s arm and blurted out, “Wind-flock Cos-Howe.”

    It was an hour before Jack and Petros returned. As they entered the house, Rana’s face emerged from the front room.
    “’D’you find him?” she asked breathlessly. Behind her, Lizzie and Aunt Katie looked anxiously on. Uncle Doonya wasn’t present.
    Petros pushed past Rana and sat down. Jack stood in the doorway.
    “Sure, we found Cosmo,” said Petros casually. “He said he’d be over later.”
    “Did you say why we wanted him?” asked Aunt Katie anxiously.
    “Well, we had to,” said Petros. “Otherwise why would he come?”
    “Is he coming, then?” Uncle Doonya had reappeared, and his voice betrayed his fear that the quest had been fruitless.
    “It’s OK,” said Jack. “I told him we had the manuscripts, and he could hardly wait. He said Oobit and Gandie had to come too. He wasn’t sure if he’d be welcome here.”
    “Why ever not?” asked Aunt Katie innocently. “We all thought what he did at Dunvik was marvellous.”
    “He thinks

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