Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel

Free Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel by Vicki Thompson

Book: Werewolf in Seattle: A Wild About You Novel by Vicki Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Thompson
mouth descending on hers that she hadn’t wanted to miss a thing. But she’d seen screen kisses and knew eyes were usually closed. Dutifully she closed hers.
    “Better.” His breath touched her face.
    She breathed in, relishing the heady scent of him—a combination of musk, martini, and an intoxicating aroma that she suspected was exclusive to Colin MacDowell, Laird of Glenbarra.
    “When I kiss you, give me some resistance.”
    “You want me to resist?” That made no sense.
    “No, don’t resist
.” His lips brushed hers once, twice. “But when I apply pressure, you apply some, too.”
    Her heart was pounding so fast with excitement that she wondered if she’d pass out. He wouldn’t get any resistance, then, so she’d have to remain conscious. She gulped for air.
    “Don’t be nervous.”
    “Easy for you to say. You’ve done this thousands of times.”
    He chuckled. “Hardly.” He nibbled at her lower lip. “You have such a wonderful mouth.”
    “Thank you kindly.”
    “No, I must thank you for indulging me. Here comes the kiss.”
    She held her breath. “Ready.”
    “Don’t hold your breath. You’ll faint.”
    “This is more complicated than I realized.” She let out her breath. “It looks so easy in the movies.”
    “It is easy, once you get the hang of it. Just relax, andwhen I make contact, give me something back.” His mouth settled over hers.
    At first she froze, unable to think, unable to respond at all.
    His warm lips moved gently against hers. Tentatively she matched his movements.
    “Yes,” he murmured against her mouth. “Like that.”
    Made bolder by his praise, she put more energy into making contact. And then, as if ancient wisdom had finally bubbled up within her, she knew what to do. Grasping his head in both hands, she angled her head and took full possession of his mouth.
    His low moan of delight told her that she’d figured out this kissing business. His fingers tightened against her scalp and his breathing quickened. She’d succeeded in exciting him, and triumph bloomed in her heart.
    Then, when she was congratulating herself on the success of this kiss, he lifted his head just enough to end it.
    Her pride plummeted. “Did I do something wrong?”
    “Nay. You’re doing everything right. But if you would open your mouth a wee bit… ”
    “You want to put your tongue in my—”
    “Okay.” When he resumed kissing her, she slackened her jaw. Surely this would be gross, but she would endure it because Colin wanted to… Oh, my. Oh,
    Now the moan belonged to her as she gave herself up to the decadent sensation of Colin’s tongue stroking the inside of her mouth. Innocent though she was, she understood that this was what sex with him would be like, and she wanted it. The wanting came in a tidal wave that swept aside every thought except one.
    Wrenching her mouth from his, she cupped his face, gripping him tightly as her gaze bored into his. “Have sex with me, Colin. Right now.”
    “That’s not wise.”
    “I don’t care what’s wise! I want to know what it’s—”
    “Not now.” He gasped for breath. “Not yet.” As his breathing steadied, he massaged her back in a slow, easy motion.
    “But I want to!” She’d lost all shame. He’d reduced her to raw, primitive need.
    “Give yourself time, lass. If it is to happen between us, I want to be rested. You deserve more than I’m prepared to give you tonight.”
    She threw back her head and groaned in frustration. “You
to go and kiss me!”
    “Yes.” He drew her head forward until she was forced to look at him. “I couldn’t let you think that what happened down by the water was a true kiss. I wanted you to know what a real kiss is all about.”
    “And as a result, I’m hot and frustrated. Happy now?”
    “Aye. We all need to go through these stages, and you have some catching up to do.” He brushed his mouth over hers one last time and stood. “It’s getting dark.

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